


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion budgétaire
Réseaux sociaux
Direction de projet
Gestion de projet
Français Langue Etrangère
Gestion administrative
Marketing stratégique
Mac OS
Marketing relationnel
Apple iOS
Traduction anglais français


  • Apple - Senior Advisor Apple Distribution International

    PARIS 2014 - maintenant > Resolving complex hardware and software issues faced by customers
    > Logging and recording new issues with software
    > Testing products to ensure standards are met
    > Assisting customers with issues and finding creative and innovative solutions
    > Created and delivered new product technical documentation for junior and peer level staff
    > Assisted in the development of a standalone tool to demonstrate Apple Watch troubleshooting steps
    > Worked on strategy and implementation of SOP for new product launches
  • European Placement Network - Charge de communication et marketing

    2014 - 2014 > Event management and organisation – for local, national and international companies
    > Created, developed and monitored the social media strategy
    > Produced documentation and promotional material to introduce the company (Cultural & information Guide, brochure & flyers)
    > Developing communication strategy with international partners
    > Creating and populated the company Database using – Microsoft Access, Excel and MySQL
    > Mail merging and editorial responsibility for company newsletter
    > Secretarial responsibility – booking meeting, travel and CRM
  • JIC Consulting - Communication & Marketing Assistant

    2013 - 2014 - Producing
    - Editing
    - Camera and Sound
    - Gallery and visual mixing
    - Live and pre-recorded broadcasting
    - Market Research
    - Advertising
    - Daily administration
    - Coordination of presenters
    The channels involved would be Sikh Channel and Brit Asia TV
  • Toutou Tif - Chargé de communication

    2013 - 2013 > Created and established company website
    > Commercial and administrative file management for customers and clients
    > Established and implemented Marketing strategy
    > Created, developed and monitored the social media strategy
    > Produced documentation and promotional material for official launch and follow up event
    > Wrote content and produced monthly newsletter
  • Terranoa - Administateur/commercial

    2012 - 2012 > Issued invoices for payment
    > Processed order and contracts
    > Sales Administration, Legal and Financial responsibilities
    > Responsible for print media design and distribution (DVD Covers , flyers and letters)
    > Edited and designed visual Highlight of documentaries for TV advertising campaign
    > Organised, managed and ran company show case events
  • TV France International - Stagiaire

    2011 - 2011 Creating a guide to promote French national TV internationally
     Writing company newsletters with statistical analysis
     Event management for all company premier events
  • Lycée Professionel Blaize Pascal - Vacatire Professeur d'Anglais

    2009 - 2010 Gérer des groupes de 10 à 20 personnes (Seconde, Première et Terminale)
    Préparer des cours


  • IUP Denis Diderot IMC

    Dijon 2010 - 2011 Master

    Elaboration d’une comptabilité
    Préparer des budgets
    Demande de subvention
    Apprentissage du droit des affaires
    Conduire des réunions
  • Université Bordeaux 3 Montaigne

    Pessac 2006 - 2009 License Art du Spectacle Théâtre

    Elaboration de maquettes
    Préparer des festivals
    Jeu de scène
    Apprentissage de la réalisation cinématographique
    Maîtrise de la dramaturgie
  • Université De Bourgogne (Dijon)

    Dijon 2004 - 2006 DEUG de Lettres Modernes


Annuaire des membres :