


En résumé

June 2015 - Today : Industrial support Egypt and support for automation projects in China for Group needs.
- > Management of improvement projects in Egypt factory.
- > Management of automation Projects in China.
- Definition of needs, specification , Quotation, project management in china and link with group
subsidiaries. (From Needs to machine qualification).
- > Follow up of Russian Metallic outsourcing and improvement projects.

2013 - To June 2015 : Industrial support China and Russia:
- > In charge of a project of reorganization of production in Russia (Factory in Ulyanovsk)
- > In charge to define industrial plan for Group division in Russia and implement with local team.
- > Continue to support china factory to keep improvement projects on track.

2010 to 2013 : Industrial support China for Group division (low voltage product)
- > In charge to optimize our factorie based in Wuxi (Near by Shanghai)
- > Drive complet re-organisation of the factory with local team
= > New layout / new organisation structure / work with purchasing to optimize cost
= > Contribute to make the factory and business margin going from negative to nice positive result.

2006 to 2010: base half time in China, In charge of:
- > Defining industrial plan with local team and Group Division (mid term plan and orientations) for the Area Asia-Pacific (China, Australia, Korea, India, Thailand).
=== > Production transfer (ex: Korea to China) / MvB policy / resources / organization / Purchasing
- > Challenging and Following up Industrial performance.(3,5 M€ savings on all perimeter/year)
- > Managing production transfers.
- > Finding , selecting and validating suppliers in Asia with Group purchasing team.

- > 2004 - 2006 Purchasing: in charge of suppliers in Asia for the group, based in Singapour.
=== > Set up new activity with purchasing for Group Division needs (So called IPO).
=== > Looking for suppliers / negotiating contract/ Quality follow up / supplier audit / reporting.

- > 2003 - 2004 Make versus Buy Project manager for Europe.
=== > Defining MvB strategy / closing factory (one) / defining resources / Working with Purchasing team to find savings and set up actions / Acheived a Part of the Group global purchasing savings plan (in 2003: target 80 Million €).

- > 1993 - 2003 Manager of Plastic department in Limoges. (180 people)
=== > Plastic parts optimization / Moulds design / Moulds manufacturing/ tuning, production. Moulds subcontracting worlwide
=== > Example: 2005 120 Moulds done in house / 200 outdourced worldwide. 1,3 Million € savings.

- > 1992 - 1993 Manager of Group IT team in charge of new software definition for Legrand Group needs(Cad/ Cam, ERP..)
=== > Selecting, installing , organization around new software for Cad-Cam / ERP.

- > 1982 - 1992 Manager of IT team in Metallic Department.
=== > in charge of Cad Cam system for stamping tools.
=== > Devloping software to decrease design of tools (results: 40% time saved by design automation)
=== > Creating the fisrt ERP in the company covering all function we found in ERP today.

- > English speaking (Fluent)

Mes compétences :
Project management
Production industrielle
Optimisation des process
Culture Asiatique


  • LEGRAND - International industrial support for Energy Distribution Unit

    Limoges 2010 - maintenant Voir ma description en Anglais des differents poste occupés jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
  • Legrand - International industrial coordination Asie Pacific

    Limoges 2006 - 2010
  • Legrand -  Project manage/ manager

    Limoges 2003 - 2006 Project manager in purchasing départment in charge to start, organize International Purchasing Office in Singapour
  • Legrand - Department manager

    Limoges 1993 - 2003 please see description. attached.
  • Legrand - Responsable equipe informatique

    Limoges 1990 - 1992 10 ingénieurs manageant des projets.
  • Legrand - INgenieur

    Limoges 1982 - 1990



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