

En résumé

IT Manager

Business Analysis and change management with new innovative processes is the main subject of my profile. Change management is in my DNA.
Business contributors to a process, satisfied with their work tool, is always a great satisfaction.
Find the tools of tomorrow, highlight their vital and indispensable characteristics, measure the impacts, choose and implement is my Creed.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Contrôle de gestion
Base de données
Gestion des services informatiques


  • Saint-gobain Technology Services - Logistic and Assets Manager / ServiceNow adm.

    2018 - maintenant Pilot a service to deliver in quality and on time requests for computers with accessories from Saint-Gobain France.
    Manage stocks and stick to the budget.
    Control inventories and repositories.
    Evaluate the new products and models of the manufacturer.
    Maintain the ServiceNow service catalog, reporting, Servicenow profiles, and user training for all services provided in SGTS France.
  • Saint-Gobain Technology Services - Service Level Manager and ITSM Solution Administrator

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2018 In the Support Dept :

    Services Levels Manager : Operational management of the provider commitments (SLA)

    Functional admin. ITSM : Functional and technical administration of ServiceNow ITSM tool.
    ITIL Process: incidents, service catalog, changes, problems, knowledge, continual improvement.

    In the Administrative and financial Dept

    Operational contract manager : Check the validity of the work units, prices, and invoices, Apply penalties according to the results of service levels, Invoice the services to the Group's internal customers, Is the Budget activity referent.

    Budget Asset Manager : invoice rented assets and is the Budget activity referent.
  • Saint-Gobain DSI Groupe - Standardization Project Manager

    Courbevoie 2006 - 2010 Project Manager of standardization of Assets, software and infrastructures for 6 societies.
    Modeler to define all the processes to set standard one society. (integration Bible)
    Assistant of the Support Manager: operational management of the provider, and manage project manager of integration project management.
    Business reporting management: conception, elaboration, broadcast and presentation on site.
  • Lapeyre - Project Manager

    Courbevoie 2000 - 2005 Management of the Caméléon tool for customizable services and products in the sales catalogs.
    Marketing offer development: integration of new services and products (including a credit offer).
    Project manager on a major upgrade of version.
  • Lapeyre - Chargé de Mission Industrielle

    Courbevoie 1999 - 2000 Responsable du déploiement de deux modules de la solution ERP dans deux usines du groupe : achats et stocks.
    Replacement par intérim de l’administrateur local dans l’une d’entre elle.
  • AMARIS Filiale de CEGID - Chef de Projet

    1996 - 1996 A l’agence de Paris, prise en charge de projets en clientèle : déploiement de modules, formations, développements et assistance à l’ouverture de service.
  • CEGID - Responsable de service

    1996 - 1998 Contexte :
    Ouverture de l’agence « Sud-Ouest » à Bordeaux en collaboration avec un commercial.

    Reprise de clientèle des différents partenaires locaux, démonstrateur en avant-vente, recrutement, formation et responsable de nouveaux chefs de projet.
  • ATEQ SA - Responsable Utilisateurs

    1992 - 1995 Administrateur de la solution informatisée de gestion de production SILOG.
    Maintien en condition Opérationnelle : Assistance utilisateurs, gestion du versionning, production de reportings opérationnels
    Maîtrise d’ouvrage et maîtrise d’œuvre : ouverture de nouveaux modules, déploiement et formation.


  • ENI Belfort ENIBe

    Belfort 1985 - 1991 Ingénieur généraliste
  • Baccalaureat Série E

    Paris (75000) 1984 - 1985


Annuaire des membres :