
Philippe LEBACQ


En résumé

- I started in 1994 at Toyota Motor Europe (named Toyota Motor Marketing Europe in those days), located in Brussels, as mainframe developer, after having worked 8 years in other international company as analyst-programmer on decentralized ERP systems.
- I had opportunity to take over the maintenance of OS/2 based PC's & network within the IS group.
- Due to phasing out of OS/2 in the late 90's, I was rapidly involved in technical reform of Parts & Vehicle logistic projects, performing delivery support & architecture activities, also contributing to implementation of development supporting tools such as TestDirector, NatStar, PowerDesigner, NeoLoad, or Oracle's eBusiness suite.
- As member of newly formed 'Architecture team', I first worked as process & methodology architect contributing to the implementation of Toyota version of Unified Process, and then as quality architect I supported the IS quality team implementing standard ways of working, project quality & code reviews in sales & marketing IS delivery departments.
- When our manufacturing & marketing organisations merged, I quit the Architecture group and I was for several years the test & test automation expert for warranty claim project, supporting the quality of European rollouts of the application through efficient & automated testing.
- In 2011, I rotated to manufacturing supplier quality group.
I started during summer 2011 with system testing activities on new project & I took main responsibilities on our supplier portal, reporting with Hyperion, and transition of maintenance & support to outsourced/offshore company.
- I also performed BA activities on new & existing projects, introducing "Wire framing" and simulation through interactive PDF, and implementing new iterative & incremental software change management process (achieving delivery productivity increase of 600% with excellent quality).
- I've been taking over more PM responsibilities from retiring and rotating colleagues.
In 2014, I took full PM responsibility on pre and mass production sub-sets of applications within the supplier quality area.
Since 2015, I added the warranty applications to the application portfolio under my PM responsibility.

Mes compétences :
Certification ISTQB
Le 'Toyota Way'
Modélisation de processus
Gestion de projet informatique
Tests et automatisation de tests


  • - - Contribution en tant que "BPM SME"

    Paris 2014 - 2014 Collaboration à la publication "The Complete Business Process Handbook: Body of Knowledge from Process Modeling to BPM, Volume I" par Mark von Rosing and Henrik von Scheel - ISBN 978-0127999593
  • - - Contribution en tant que "testing SME"

    Paris 2013 - 2013 collaboration en tant qu'expert en test logiciels à la publication "Common system & software testing pitfalls" par D. Firesmith - ISBN 978-0133748550
  • Toyota Motor Europe - Bruxelles - Gestion de projets IT

    1994 - maintenant gestion de projets IT
    responsable des tests de performances avec QAload, Neoload
    responsable automatisation des tests applicatifs et de régression avec Winrunner, QuickTestpro, Soapui
    architecte processus métiers et standards de développements IT
    gestionnaire logiciels (principalement TestDirector/QualityCenter, cool:BIZ, PowerDesigner)
    gestionnaire parc de PC et réseau (OS/2)
    analyste IT
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber - Analyste programmeur

    Rueil-Malmaison 1987 - 1994 analyse et développement pour
    - le système ERP local des pays scandinaves (Suède, Danemark, Norvège) et de la Hollande
    - le système local d'une usine de rechapage de pneus pour l'aviation en Hollande
    - la transition de ces systèmes vers SAP R3


  • Service Militaire (Neheim Hüsten)

    Neheim Hüsten 1986 - 1987 -
  • Institut Supérieur Des Aumoniers Du Travail (Charleroi)

    Charleroi 1983 - 1985 graduat en informatique de gestion - mention distinction
  • Institut Supérieur D'Architecture Saint Luc (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 1980 - 1983 -
  • ARPAC (Pont-À-Celles)

    Pont-À-Celles 1974 - 1980 Etudes secondaires supérieures section latin-sciences


Annuaire des membres :