- International IT Project Manager
2003 - 2006ABX LOGISTICS is a global freight forwarder active in more than 30 different countries around the world. The group is made of approximately 65 transportation companies, connected to thousands of customers using different electronic documents, formats and communication protocols.
Every country is currently running its own central operational information system. The information contained within each system is not identical. Although the systems do send information to each other and towards the customers, no single data repository for the group existed.
To counter the dispersed information, I implemented a central Message Broker System based on Microsoft Biztalk Server 2004. This central hub connects all ABX LOGISTICS-companies and enables reliable document exchange between them.
Moreover, the message broker offers a central repository creating coherent and uniform data storage for all information exchanged.
On top of the message broker a Customer Communication HUB is being implemented (Based on Microsoft Biztalk Server 2004). This CC HUB provides ABX LOGISTICS with a worldwide EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) software standard that can be developed and maintained in a centralized manner, independent of each country. It is a single point of EDI contact for all customers in order to streamline and simplify their internal and external EDI communication, including format transformation."
Tracing Server
- Directeur Produit CRM
1998 - 2003Directeur Produit CRM
Reprise en main du departement de 32 personnes, determination des produits marketing, lancement dans la presse, gestion du developpement, mise en place de l'hebergement des solutions au niveau international, gestion du personnel et gestion du budget du service (4M€)
Directeur Projet
Projet de 4 à 28MF, Deploiement de sites clients entre 150 et 1500 postes clients en architecture 3 tiers, gestion d'une equipe de 20 personnes et des clients au niveau technique, financier et commerciale
Chef de produit
Management des equipe de production (11 personnes), de marketing(3personnes) de mise en exploitation (8 personnes)
Assistance aux commerciaux sur les grand comptes (Etude du besoin, redaction des cahier des charges, reponse aux appels d'offres, Redaction des contrats,etc...)
Chef de projet
Projet de 4 à 8MF, Environnement Oracle, architecture 3 tiersz ou Client serveur, gestion des plannings de la production et de la mise en exploitation.
SCA Packaging
- Chef d'atelier
1995 - 1998Responsable de la gestion de 3 chaines de fabrication et de 80 employés.
Implementation d'une structure hierarchique horizontale favorisant le coaching et responsabilisant les employés.