
Pierre-Antoine CLAUDEL

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Senior engineer with a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from France and 8 years experience in Electrical motors engineering and testing, Medium Voltage equipment engineering, field service and Operational marketing.
International experience, Good knowledege of Brazilian market and customer relationship. Solid technical background with good commercial skills acquisition. Great capacity of adaptation and communication.

Mes compétences :
Field service
Oil and gas
Service marketing


  • Schneider Electric - Power system engineer

    Rueil Malmaison 2014 - maintenant HV/MV/LV power system studies and simulations.
  • Schneider Electric Brasil - MV switchboard manager

    Rueil Malmaison 2011 - 2014 - Technical manager for SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC and ex-AREVA D Medium Voltage switchboards offer (Feeders up to 40,5kV-4000A and MV motor feeders for primary substations).

    - Responsible for local mechanical and electrical modifications for attending technical-normative requirements of the following segments: Energy (O&G Petrobras, Marine – Utilities LIGHT, CEMIG, Ampla, Eletropaulo – Windfarm, WEG, IMPSA), Industry (MMM Vale, Alunorte, Usiminas, Votorantim) and infrastructure (Airports, Railways).

    - Coordination of new offers industrialization in Brazil in partnership with the two MV plants of the group and the directions of the central Lines of Business in France/USA/Germany.

    - Technical support for critical cases: Technical specifications/standards/Single Line Diagram study, proposals of distribution solutions, type tests decision.

    - Prescription and presentations in Customers.

    - Involved in the following projects: Petrobras(Comperj Lote C, REDUC), Vale (Vargem Grande).
  • Schneider Electric France - MV Networks application engineer

    Rueil Malmaison 2007 - 2010 - Technical support at tendering for MV switchboards (Motorpact/MCSet range :2 – 24kV), Project & Contracting Department within European MV Equipment manufacturing plant. Segment: Oil & Gas, MMM, Marine, Water Treatment and Public Electrical Distribution.

    - Specifications study, calculation of short circuit currents, determination of MV protection plan, MV motor starting study, calculation notes, drawings approval.

    - In charge of training field service teams for soft starters commissioning.

    - Soft starter units commissioning and troubleshooting on site for IEC area. Frequent trips on site (Europe, North Africa, East Europe and Middle East). Protection relays settings. Expertise and measurements on customers’ installations. In close contact with customers and/or end users. Involved in the following projects:
    * Study and commissioning of 6,6kV starters for Oil pumping substation, AZERTRANS (Baku oil terminals, Azerbaijan).

    * Determination of short-circuit current limiting limiter pyrobreakers 11kV for OFP2 platform of ELF PETROLEUM Nigeria (OFON phase II project).

    * Commissioning of 6,6kV Autotransformer feeders for wells water injection for TECHNIP/VEBA OIL (Amal water oil field, Libya)

    * Commissioning and expertise of 6,3kV compressor feeder for oil cracking process, BP OIL (Refinery of Castellon, Spain).

    * Expertise on site of 7,2kV switchboards, Pazflor FPSO project, TOTAL E&P Angola (Busan, South Korea).

    * Study and commissioning of 6,6kV compressor feeder for TOTAL, Lindsey refinery (Immingham England).
  • Leroy Somer (EMERSON) - Electrical tests engineer

    2005 - 2007 - Lead for the electrical bench test program of Low Voltage (LV) asynchronous motors (0,75kW – 20kW range) of Gond Pontouvre factory-France. Leading a team of 4 technicians. Main roles: tests planning, delays management, electrical tests for motor nameplates determination, according with IEC60034-2 and IEEE112B standards.

    -Electrical service. In charge of the technical definitions of the products developped at the factory (asynchronous and permanent magnet motors, generators). Technical responsible of the development of new synchronous motor series (stator/rotor lamination design on Flux2D software, and Test Bench phase conduction) within the project department, in collaboration with LV drives department (Unidrive range).

    - Technical support for business department and customers. In close contact with customers.
  • Schneider Electric France - Trainee

    Rueil Malmaison 2004 - 2004 - Modelling and simulating of LV distribution busbars. Study of the impact of the design on LV architectures.
    - Software used: FLUX2D, EMTP



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