


En résumé

* Strong innovation capabilities and the capacity to execute them
* Manager of technical teams: proven capability to deliver on time and on budget
* Coordination between marketing teams and technical teams
* Good at balancing engineering solutions and business goals
* Working in a fast growth, high pressure environments with a focus on delivery

Current focus on
* revenue management (upsell, crossell, yield management, text and video recommendations)
* scale our big data platforms and teams
* build and deploy a in-house paas

Mes compétences :
High performance multi competence team build
Innovation management
Fast Learner
Perl Script


  • Orange - Directeur Smart Data Factory

    Paris 2012 - maintenant I manage a team of 50. We focus on nosql and big data technology in order to develop new services. We currently develop the revenue management solution (upsell, cross sell, recommendation, ads delivery) for all screens (tv, mobile, internet) for Orange. I’m accountable for the overall operations from design to run and p&l. I’m defining the roadmap, coercing the ecosystem to deliver on time and on budget. We design application with operation and run cost in mind.
    I drive the innovation both on services definition (upsell, crossell, recommendation) and on the technological side: rules engine (in house development), nosql (Cassandra, Redis, in-house graph database), IaaS (Cloudstack+Xen or AWS), hardware (Fusion IO), automation (Chef), LXC. All services are delivered via apis with a SaaS strategy.
    I significantly help a large organization like Orange to implement a strategy with a lot of changes both on the technical side and on the process side.
    I manage a team of brilliant engineers and I have been able to create for them a state of art environment: challenging projects, fast pace environment, low process, high thrust, high expectations, a fantastic software forge and I have been rewarded: years of products and services delivered on time, on budget with a stellar QoS.
  • France Telecom - Enabler Manager

    Paris 2004 - 2013 I'm managing a team building enablers for the web portals of Orange: this platforms administrate profiles for our customers and serve portals and advertising platforms.

    We have build a large distributed user profiles database which is access by most Orange services. It delivers IS and communications services datas to the final service. It is also the main distributors of profiled datas to services. The technology is as usual for us based on open source softwares (mysql cluster, posgresql, apache) with a c++ and a php frontend.

    2012 is focused on moving to a nosql solution while keeping the c++ frontend. We intend to increase performance while decreasing cost significantly.

    We are also deploying the same application for ads targeting with a centralized control of ads display for our ad network.

    Setup of a large profiling platform is under way in order to profile customers and get more independance from outside vendors.
  • Wanadoo France - Software Development Team Manager

    2002 - 2004 i was responsible of developpement teams building communications tools and a web search engine for voila.fr and orange.fr
  • Search engine team leader - Search engine team leader

    2000 - 2002 I was in charge of the development team with 6 developers. We were in charge of all components from crawlers, indexers, rankers and search results. Software was mostly in C++ with parts in tcl/perl/php.
  • Insa de lyon - Assistant Professor

    Villeurbanne Cedex 1997 - 2000 I was teaching elementary analysis and calculus. A collegue and I wrote a book at this time.

    For the research part, i was focus on automatic differenciation software and how we can use this technology to simplify computations of gradient.

    The original/smart part was to mix a lot of computer science technology with optimisation algorithms.
  • CERN - Software developer

    Geneva 23 1993 - 1994 I developed two components there: evolution of histograms in KUIP (a cern library) in fortran 77 and i introduced lex/yacc to make parsers in another library.



Annuaire des membres :