Diplômé de pharmacie, de recherche clinique et de recherche en cancérologie à la recherche d’une opportunité dans les affaires médicales
Mes compétences :
Recherche clinique
- Market research And Patient support programs (MAP) Lead Deputy
Boulogne-Billancourt2016 - maintenant Liaise with the Business Units and the project owners to ensure a proactive Pharmacovigilance (PV) review and assessment of all proposed Market Research Programs (MRP) and Patient Support Programs (PSP)
- Liaise with the other departments (Local Safety Department, Good Professional Practices, Communication, Legal Department …) and be a proactive member of the MAP (Marketing research programs And Patient support programs) network in the affiliate to ensure PV processes are put in place and followed in accordance with the Global procedures
- Liaise with the Global MAP team
- Responsible for tracking PSP/MRP into the Global database and the updating of the datas
- Screen and analyse study documents
- Ensure each PSP/MRP has a program description which details the nature of the program, the design, the objective, the data collection
- Provide scope support to staff about MRP and PSP by answering questions or providing advices about the design of the projects
- Organize and conduct quality controls
- Create and maintain training for internal employees
- Gestion de projet de recherche fondamentale en onco-hématologie - Stage de Master 2 recherche
PARIS 132015 - 2015• Veille, mise en place de protocoles expérimentaux, échanges avec des spécialistes
• Culture cellulaire, modèles murins, greffe de moelle osseuse
- Chargé d'études cliniques
Paris2015 - 2016
- Gestion de projet de recherche fondamentale en onco-hématologie - Stage M1
PARIS 132014 - 2014Etude fonctionnelle de la calréticuline et de ses mutations associées aux syndromes myéloprolifératifs.
Méthodes :
- Clonage
- Transduction rétrovirale
- Extraction CD34+ de sang placentaire
- Culture cellulaire (TF-1, Ba/F3, C34+)
- Etude de prolifération et différenciation
- Cytométrie de flux
- Western Blot
- Modèle murin de xénogreffe de lignée leucémique