
Pierre LE CORF


En résumé

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    2014 - maintenant WE ARE SUPERHEROES est une organisation qui accompagne les communautés marginalisées à travers le monde via des programmes sociaux, éducatifs et psychologiques pour renforcer leur autonomie. Bidonvilles, quarantaines, zones de conflit, les missions s’adaptent aux besoins et sont souvent orientées vers la jeunesse pour les aider à croire en eux, se construire ou se reconstruire des repères étape par étape. Les projets sur place sont construits, épaulés, mais restent indépendants pour leur permettre un maximum de marge de manoeuvre, l’organisation s’étant déplacée sur de nombreux pays jusqu’à maintenant de manière plus ou moins courte, elle est aujourd’hui installée à Alep en Syrie.
  • WE ARE PROD - Founder

    2014 - maintenant Last film
    A cinema boot camp. We try to trigger new behaviors, implements new ways of working in the field of cinema, and invest in tomorrow’s creations
  • PULP MOVIES - Co Founder

    2014 - maintenant From the blockbusters to the small independent movies, all the tastes are covered. Not to be consumed responsibly. Pulp Movies was elected Blog of the month by Studio Cine Live. We are currently developing and modifying it to give you access to a complete media, and we are working hard on it! (more than 4000 views every day). Take part in our competition and discover every day news from the cinema and the TV shows all around the world.
  • CIVILISEED - Co Founder

    2012 - 2014 The Kickstarter before the Kickstarter. A Web platform enabling entrepreneurs, whatever their situation was, to create their own online incubator and to centralise informations, choose the tools they needed to conquer the world with only a web page. The project worked with few networks but failed for the investissements rounds. Great entrepreneurship lessons.
  • QUBE - Co Founder

    2009 - 2010 Click to edit position descriptionAfter 2 years building events in 12 night clubs, I decided to create my own club but a place which will make a difference. A cosmopolite and customer-friendly location, great challenge, proud success.
    We fought the pressure of the competition and went all the way to finish the project, which ended up being a real success.
  • FC groupe - Directeur de la communication

    2009 - 2010 Mainly focused on restoration, and nightclubs and bars; FC Group was composed of three establishments of high standing in Lyon and one in Courchevel. It was a real challenge for me since I had to manage people who had been working there for years already whereas I was a new manager.
  • Consortium - Co Founder

    2008 - 2010 Click to edit position descriptionSpin D. Implement communication strategies and insure their diffusion & impact to the various actors affected by it. Last project: SEAORBITER (50 M€ / NASA mp). Building of a bionic vessel, a floating laboratory to study new energy sources, transmission, etc. My mission consisted in creating and implementing a development - communication plan by the collective intelligence, and organise team works in various skills levels.
  • EVNT - Co Founder

    2007 - 2009 Click to edit position descriptionI initiated and / or took part in almost 20 events and concepts (events gathering from hundreds to thousands of people) in partnership with shops or night clubs.
  • Conseil régional de Bretagne - Junior Regional Council Advisor

    2004 - 2006 I was elected for a 2-years mandate at the Regional Council of Bretagne, and I participated to the research and implementation of sustainable solutions to facilitate the access to knowledge, together with the centre of sociologic studies and research (CERS) and the economical and social centre (CES). We initiated the concept of the “carte jeune”, now employed on a national level. We also worked on the implementation of measures to facilitate the access to transports between regions.

    « Benjamin de l'hémicycle, vous étiez à mes côtés lors des sessions de 2005 à 2007. Les travaux du CRJ auxquels vous avez participé, sont un apport indéniable à l’action publique régionale. Je formule tous mes voeux de succès pour la suite de votre parcours en espérant que vous gardiez le meilleur souvenir de votre mandat. » (Jean-Yves Le Drian, Ministre de la défense, 2013)

    (“ Youngest of the hemicycle, you were beside me during the sessions from 2005 to 2007. The work of the CRJ in which you participated is an undeniable contribution to the regional public action. I wish you all the success for the follow up of your career path and hope that you’ll keep the best memory of your mandate” Jean Yves Le Drian, Defense minister, 2013)
  • Ma première "entreprise" - Early entrepreneur

    2001 - 2003 I come from a modest family, my parents were oyster growers and I started working with them when I was just 12 years old, I worked really hard all my life and I continue. At this age I decided to create my first « company », so I had a meeting with the mayor of the small town where they were working, and I obtained the authorisation to have a free spot in the market during summer. I presented my first (very basic) business plan which aimed to go door to door collecting used toys and items that people didn’t need or want anymore, clean them and storage them. During market days, I sold baskets of items or single items organised by categories. I used to make 300 francs during my best weeks, and up to 1200 francs in my best month. I think it is important to highlight our history by its roots, the man before anything else.


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