Maison Moderne
- Rédacteur en chef paperJam.lu
2014 - maintenant
- Journalist
2010 - maintenant
Writing articles for the main economic and financial magazine in Luxembourg.
European Parliament
- Administrative agent
2009 - 2010
In the DG Personnel, Missions unit:
- Internal Communication (Website management)
- Preparation of administrative notes
- Accounting
European Economic and Social Committee
- Trainee / Administrator
2008 - 2008
Organisation of the main meetings
Coordination and drafting of the Youth declaration delivered in the European Parliament for the 50th aniversary of the EESC
Slovenian Business Report and Southeastern Europe Business magazine
- Journalist
2008 - 2009
Writing articles (in English) for business magazines specialized in economic issues in Slovenia and the Western Balkans.
French Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Assistant to the First Counsellor and head of the French and German diplomatic office
2006 - 2007