Well organized and dynamic, my career and my experiences to date have helped me develop into a motivated-and autonomous person who is able to handle a team, innovate and adapt. My experience on industrial facilities enabled me to develop my technical skills, my communication and my leadership. Motivated engineer graduate with strong experiences, I am used to manage a multicultural environnement and use everyone skills to make it works.
- SST - Emergency First help training
- B2V / H0V - Electricity traning
- M2 - Mechanical training
- SCN2 - Cultural nuclear training
- PR2 / Travailleur de catégorie A - Medical capacacity and training to work in the radiation area
- pontier -- elingeur
- Formation Incendie - Fire training
- Port du harnais / Tenue étanche ventilé / Appareil Respiratoire Isolant - Confine space/ Harn training / breathing apparatus insulating training
Mes compétences :
Catia v5
Excel - VBA
MATLAB - Simulink
SdIN (Logiciels utilisés sur centrale nucléaire)
Code de calcul neutronique
Methode ICAPS