Mes compétences :
Oil and gas
Alten - Technip
- Naval architect/ Structural Engineer
2010 - maintenantMy actual position in the "Naval Architecture" department (Technip) have lead me to work as a Naval Architect on:
- Pre-project and Basic Design of a FPU upgrade as lead position, incl. stability calculation, classification, mooring and motion analysis
- transport and installation study for pre-project in very shallow water (about 8m)
- Comparative studies between Semi-Sub/FSO/FPSO (turret and spread moored) for an deepwater gas plant in a pre-project field.
- Float-over procedure and feasability for a semi-submersible topsides installation (>30 000 tons)
- Specifications for mooring systems of floating platforms (winches, fairleads, chain and wires)
Previously in "New Technologies Offshore" department, structure and naval architecture, my competences were used for:
- Structural analysis of jack up plat-form legs
- Sizing of the hull scantling for a float-over installation boat for offshore wind turbines
- Motion analysis of floaters for offshore wind turbines, comparative study
2009 - 2010This experience started on the dynamic response of different concepts of tension leg spar for offshore wind power. Based on my master thesis, redeeper research have been done leading to a paper for the Journal of Marine Structures.
The main focus is a code-to-code comparison of commercial programs in the floating wind energy field. Cmbining hydrodynamics and structure, this study has been a significant experience in hydro-elastic codes.
CEA - Institute for technical and economical studies on energetic systems
- Internship
2008 - 2008My internship was a study on the whole french resource in biomass from now to 2020. The idea was to understand the global structure of the biomass industry to know what would be usable for second generation biofuel.
This study included several meetings with professionnals and experts from the different industries, and a whole research on economical and technical specificities.
The point was to make the link between the technical and the economical issues of several industries, here biofuel industry and biomass ressources.