


En résumé

Mes compétences :
sustainable development
its implementation
Health and Safety
technical assistance and support
site development
regional development
project implementation
preliminary design
mission support
logistics management
full freshwater cooling compressors ammonia manage
detailed design
administrative management
Six Sigma
Site selection
Proven experience
Proper management
Production Testing
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Project
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Language skills
Ammonia Ammonia Service Management
Direction de projet


  • Raspi-tunisie - Consultant

    2013 - maintenant
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2008 - 2008 Evaluation by U.S. firms and JACOBS ARDAMAN of all studies on the proposed phosphogypsumGabes
    Study and preparation ODA rail spur (before detailed design) of the rail of the new phosphoric acid plant in El
    Mkhacherma ,
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2008 - 2008 Evaluation by U.S. firms and JACOBS ARDAMAN of all studies on the proposed phosphogypsumGabes
  • Gabes - Chef projet

    2008 - 2008 Evaluation by U.S. firms and JACOBS ARDAMAN of all studies on the proposed phosphogypsumGabes
    Study pipe laying acids transfer between the industrial area and the site of El Mkhacherma and establishment
    of long profile and cross section.
  • JACOBS and ARDAMAN - Chef projet

    2008 - 2008 Evaluation by U.S. firms and JACOBS ARDAMAN of all studies on the proposed phosphogypsumGabes
    Comparative study by multi consultancies Americans
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef de projet

    Tunis 2008 - 2008 Evaluation by U.S. firms and JACOBS ARDAMAN of all studies on the proposed phosphogypsumGabes
    : Study of Implementation of the phosphoric acid plant in the office Mkhacherma Studies TECI
  • Mkhacherma - Installation

    2007 - 2008 equipment for drilling and irrigation of green curtain at the site of discharge
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2007 - 2007 : Technical and economic power plant Mkhacherma industrial water.
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2007 - 2007 : Technico-economic study for the power supply of the phosphoric acid plant in El Mkhacherma
  • Mkhacherma - Chef projet

    2007 - 2007 : Study of transfer of sulfuric acid and phosphoric Ghannouch between pipes and factory
  • Croupe chimique tunisien - Study and development

    2007 - 2007 Prefeasibility Study: Entrusted to SNC Lavalin " specifications for the Environmental Monitoring Project phosphogypsum
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2007 - 2007 : Study of the impact of transferring manufacturing phosphoric acid to GhannouchMkhacherma
  • Mkhacherma - Chef projet

    2007 - 2007 : Baseline studies of transfer units phosphoric acid production Ghannouch site commissioning to
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2007 - 2007
  • FU WENG - Project Director

    2005 - 2013 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2005 - 2005 Preparation of preliminary design study of APS: Transport by rail phosphogypsumGhannouch to Ouedref
    : Reduction of moisture content of phosphogypsum for transport by car
    B - Main files purchase:
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Installation

    Tunis 2005 - 2006 for the circulation of a large flow of slurry of phosphoric acid in the attack tank
  • National Agency for Environmental Protection - Chef projet

    2005 - 2005 Preparation of preliminary design study of APS: Transport by rail phosphogypsumGhannouch to Ouedref
    : Framework agreement with ANPE (National Agency for Environmental Protection) for pollution monitoring
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef projet

    Tunis 2005 - 2005 Preparation of preliminary design study of APS: Transport by rail phosphogypsumGhannouch to Ouedref
    : Studies of the tracks (split from the main track, land stations, installation of branches) with SNCFT
    (SociétéNationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisians).
  • FU WENG - DCP Chief Engineer production

    1997 - 2005 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

  • GCT - Chief Engineer

    1997 - 2005 GCT / Phosphoric Acid Plant in Gabes Chief Engineer of phosphoric acid production and DCP *
    Maintenance, repair and optimization workshops
    phosphoric acid
  • FU WENG - Chairman

    1995 - 1997 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

    Gabès Exploitation Workshop production of ammonium nitrate ammonium nitrate factory
  • Ammonium - GCT / Plant Manager

    1995 - 1997 GCT / Plant Manager Ammonium Gabes workshop production of ammonium nitrate *
    Exploitation Workshop Ammonium Nitrate

    * Ensuring maximum production with minimum Nitrate Porous nitrate agricultural production. ;
    * Improve the quality of nitrate porous. ;
    * Eliminate the production of off-spec quality.
    *produce a single quality Agricultural Nitrate for both the local market and for export.
  • FU WENG - Service Principal Chief

    1991 - 1995 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

    Gabès Service Management ammonia plant ammonium nitrate
  • GCT - Head of Management

    1991 - 1995 GCT / Ammonium Plant in Gabes Head of Management * Creation of Ammonia Ammonia
    Service Management (unloading, storage and distribution platform for TAG GhannoucheGabes Tunisia)

    A - Main occupations:

    - Unloading operations of vessels ammonia.
    - The safe operation and storage of ammonia
    - Power plants ammonia ;
    - Proper management of resort amenities ammonia ;
    - The application of good management plants consumption.


    * recovery in full freshwater cooling compressors ammonia management in closed loop. ;
    * Inspection first ammonia tanks of capacity 25,000 tonnes and 10,000 tonnes after inerting nitrogen. ;
    * Resumption of insulation tanks Ammonia.
    *Commissioning of the new circuit stripping of ammonia from the dock No. 9.
  • Research Laboratory - Dhilla Head of Principal Operations

    1989 - 1991 * Pre-water treatment plant
    * Improving the quality of phosphate ;
    * Purification of phosphoric acid
    * Rainwater descaling scrubbing workshop TSP
    * Study crystallographic phosphogypsum ,
  • FU WENG - Manager

    1989 - 1991 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

    M'dhilla Research Laboratory SIAPE M'dhilla Unit
  • FU WENG - Principal Chief

    1988 - 1989 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Chef de service

    Tunis 1988 - 1989 ICG / M'dhilla Head of Principal Head of Engineering Factory
  • SIAPE B - Head of Operations

    1987 - 1988 ICG / Head of Operations M'dhilla workshops sulfuric acid
  • FU WENG - Chairman

    1987 - 1988 15. Work Experience:
    A - Experience in Council
    1 - targeted sectoralGuidance for competitiveness of SMEs to compete internationally.
    2 - Design and definition of performance indicators for the actions on SMEs in CSR and compliance with European
    environmental standards and sustainable development.
    3 - Evaluation and feasibility studies for industrial projects for regional development and the creation of SMEs
    around these projects.
    4 - Identification of complementary activities to develop the regional and SME creation shaped niches may include a
    management structure and corporate social responsibility at the local actors.
    5 - Developing plug-building projects of industrial facilities for their upgrades and improve their competitiveness.
    6 - Recommendations on directions of investment within a strategic industrial sector and in particular in the field of
    phosphates and fertilizers.
    7 - Diagnostic possibilities of remediation, revitalization and development of the affected sites.
    8 - Identification and formulation of a program to support the competitiveness and upgrade the organization and
    logistics management of industrial installations.
    9 - Rehabilitation of industrial units on the technical, economic and environmental.
    10 - Design of improved technical processes related to chemical industries.

    11 - 12 Recommendations for improving the safety aspect of many industrial facilities.
    - Audit and consulting as Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on major industrial accidents.
    B-Relations with study and consulting burous:
    * TECI / (TUNISIA): Development of Basic Book for the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid (Study summary
    and preparation of specifications), development of a detailed design before the project cost for different installation
    options, transport and formatting heap phosphogypsum (track, conveyor ...) .... etc.
    * SOLTEC / (TUNISIA): Preparation of Detailed Project Prior to the completion of a dam isolation site into heap of
    phosphogypsum in Gabes.
    ARDAMAN / USA JACOBS (USA), CANAC (CANADA) INERIS (FRANCE). Site selection, preliminary design Studies,
    Studies Before detailed design, technical studies and economic feasibility studies of safety, cost of the project ... etc..

  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Head of Creation

    Tunis 1986 - 1987 ICG / M'dhilla Head of Creation and start the "Health and Safety"
  • ICG - Head of Operations M

    Paris 1986 - 1987 ICG / Head of Operations M'dhilla workshop manufacturing Triple Super - phosphate
  • Groupe Chimique Tunisien - Head of Department

    Tunis 1986 - 1987 M'dhilla Workshop producing triple super-phosphate Chemical Industries
  • ICG - Chef de service

    Paris 1985 - 1986 ICG / M'dhilla Head Start service and operation of the workshop Phosphoric Acid:
    * Testing and reception facilities ;
    * Performance tests and start-up workshop phosphoric ;
    * Training of operating personnel ,
  • ICG - Head of Implementation of Engineering

    Paris 1984 - 1986 * Creation of a center of technical documentation
  • ICG - Dhilla Head of Supervision and monitoring

    Paris 1983 - 1985 ICG / M'dhilla Head of Supervision and monitoring of the construction site of the
    workshop Phosphoric Acid:
    * Monitoring equipment installation ;
    * Participation in the preparation of construction schedules ,
  • SAEPA - Presenter

    1982 - 1983 SAEPA 1/Gabès Trainee Engineer training course in the operation of the manufacturing of
    Phosphoric Acid diluted and concentrated

    16. Other relevant information:

    * Study on Fluorine recovery in the Group's factories (GCT) Gabes. ;
    * Study of water recovery and optimizing the consumption of the Tunisian Chemical Group factory in Mdhilla. ;
    * Participation in the implementation of the "POI" Plan Internal Organization of Tunisian Chemical Group of Gabes in
    case of a major incident
    * Participation in the improvement of manufacturing processes of phosphoric acid and TSP "Triple Super Phosphate"
    the Tunisian Chemical Group.
    * Participation in the environmental upgrading in factories Tunisian Chemical Group ;
    * Development of a strategic study of chemical fertilizers manufactured in the factories of Tunisian Chemical Group
    in the global fertilizer market.
    * Participation as a presenter "Speaker" on day upgrading plants environmental October 4, 2012 organized by the


  • University Of Paris Dauphine And IAE Paris (Tunis)

    Tunis 2008 - 2010 Master mba
  • National School Of Engineers Of Gabes (Gabès)

    Gabès 1976 - 1982 chemical engeneer


Annuaire des membres :