Formation universitaire
Institut détudes politiques de Paris (1986)
Maîtrise de droit public (1987)
Ecole nationale dadministration (promotion Victor Hugo) (1991)
Parcours professionnel
Secrétaire général de la préfecture du Vaucluse et sous-préfet chargé de la politique de la ville (1999-2001)
Président de la chambre régionale des comptes dAlsace (2001-2004)
Directeur de lhospitalisation et de lorganisation des soins (2004-2006)
Fevrier 2021
Licence de pilote prive
Fervrier 2021
Ministre des finances
Janvier 2007 á aujourdhui
Usine Eurometal site classé Seveso Chartres
Responsable incendie du site
Février 2002 á janvier 2007
SDIS Nancy
Sapeur-pompier volontaire
Decorated military service member transitioning to civilian administration. Highly motivated to leverage 10 years opf experience and achievement in operations and personnel management. Expertise and improving efficiency, resolving problems and providing exeptionnal leadership.
Inventory management
Strategic planning
Upper level management Training
Project management
Top secret security clearance
Conflict resolution
Administrative management
Tactical level analysis
Pilot US air Force August 2011
Commands dollars 85 million c-130J while transporting up to 92 paratroopers 128 passengers and up to 60 000 ibs of cargo in and out of dire location. Employs low level flying night vision google usage and counter threat tactics single ship and in formation during real world missions. Maintains night vision google airdrop airland and flying currencies with thouroughs knoweige of c130J systems tactics and procedures.
Squadron resource advisor
May 2001 to may 2012
Us Air Force Ramstein AB Germany
Directly responsible for the squadron commander s budget of dollars 82 million. Resourced and supplied a squadron of over 150 members with required items for deployments and austere location in europe africa and asia responsible for the ethical and proper execution of the squadrons budget in line with squadron wing and gouvernemental laws and policies.
Airflift wing Scheduler
May 2012 to January 2015
US Air force Ramstein AB Germany
Executed full spectrum scheduling for european s command s only combat ready c130J unit. Managed personnal and professional schedules of over 50 pilots to executre flying operation in africa Europe and Asia. Directly supported of 2 million pounds of cargo airlift and over 1400 passengers throughout Africa and Europe each year.
Asst flight Commander
January 2015 to January 2016
US Air force Dyess AFB TX
Les and mentored junior officers during their airforece carreers. Provided feedback and developement for both pilots enlisted aircrew members in the flight of 15.
Flight commander
January 20016 to November 2016
Us Air Force Dyess afb TX
Directed the mentorship and carrers progrssion of 148 members. Led both Junior officiers and enlisted in and out professional setting. Developed Futur air force leadership and enlisted leadership.
Education and training
Master of science : sport and health science
American military university : Charleston west virginia USA
Bachelor of science economics 2008
US AIR Force acaddemy : Colorado Springs co usa
Minor in Spanish
Advenced ifr training 2016
Advenced instrument shcool Maxwel afb AL USA
professional mIlitary education 2014
Squadron officer school maxwel afb al usa
professional military education 2009
Air and space basic course maxwel afb al usa
Activities and Honors
Air force commandation medal
Air Medal
Commemorative air force member
Janvier 2020
Astronaute Nasa
Pilote Us air Force
Private pilot British Airways
Private pilot American airlines
Private pilot Air France
Private pilot Air Corsair
Chauffeur Vtc Chez Earth Vtc35
Conseiller Marriage Agency Angelica St Petersbourg, Russisa
Conseiller happy life, Moscow, Russia
Conseiller international mariage agency eslava, Kiev Ukraine
Conseiller Unicis
Expert en relation humaines
Conseiller Unicentre
Expert en relations humaines
plus connu sous le nom de Rey Mysterio, est un catcheur américain d'origine mexicaine connu pour son travail à la World Championship Wrestling de 1996 à 2001 et à la World Wrestling Entertainment entre 2002 et 2015.