
Rebecca AUGER


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Outlook, Lotus Notes
Paint, Gimp, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat
Pack Office (Office, Excel, PowerPoint)
Databases & Panels (BO, Siebel, AC Nielsen)


  • Antargaz - Chargée d'Etudes Marketing

    Courbevoie 2013 - maintenant
  • DIM (Groupe DBApparel / French leader of underwear and hosiery markets) - Chargée d'Etudes Marketing (Service Stratégie Marché) / Marketing Analyst

    2011 - 2011 . Analyse et suivi des performances / Reporting : analyse des activités (ventes, actions marketing, promotions), reporting (KPI, scorecards, summary sheets), bilans de marché et présentations commerciales
    . Analyse de la catégorie et des clients : analyse du comportement d’achat, suivi des tendances et synthèses, études ad hoc (shopper), recommandations et veille concurrentielle
    . Pilotage des instituts panélistes : gestion des relations au quotidien, études, bilans, formation et suivi des bases de données (planning, modifications, demandes ad hoc)
    . Gestion de projet : études et projets ad hoc, suivi des dossiers en cours (workshop)

    // Market Research Studies and Analyses / Reporting: ensured continuous regular reporting (sales, KPI, scorecards, summary sheets), helped improve data follow-up and realised key deliverables (commercial presentations, forecasts, trade performance indicators)
    // Consumer insight management: enabled cleared understanding of category, brand, product portfolio and consumer insight, helped analyse trends through ad hoc studies, realised market watch and helped identify growth opportunities and clear insight on competitor performance
    // Managed the relationships with the panellists: enabled accurate and timely delivery of all continuous services (planning, requests, follow-up of the database), helped drive studies and reports, and managed the intern’s training in database tools such as AC Nielsen
    // Project management: worked on major projects and managed key Ad Hoc studies
  • Imagera (incubateur HEC / HEC start-up) - Chargée de Marketing Digital et Communication / Digital Marketing and Communications Assistant

    2010 - 2010 . Optimisation du Business Plan : analyse du marché, marketing stratégique (plan d’action, axes de développement), création de supports (flyers, cartes de visite), recherche et mise en place d’outils de promotion sur les réseaux sociaux (médias, internet, blog), prospection commerciale
    . Stratégie social media : actions SEO et SEM, optimisation du site internet et des outils de référencement, problématiques de recrutement et de marketing relationnel
    . Community Management : gestion quotidienne du blog et du site, création de l’interface Facebook, prospection et veille concurrentielle

    // Helped improve the business plan: realised market analysis, helped enhance the marketing strategy (business plan and development strategy), created marketing and prospecting tools, worked closely with media and social media (multi-channel strategy, promotion, communications)
    // Social Media Strategy: managed SEM and SEO, helped optimise web promotion (site indexing, promotion tools, website updates), worked on recruitment and relationship marketing issues
    // Community Management: maintained and enhanced the website and blog on a daily basis, created and managed the Facebook interface, helped identify opportunities on the social network
  • Société Générale - Assistante Marketing Opérationnel / Operational Marketing Assistant

    PARIS 2008 - 2009 . Marketing direct / produit : création de supports (PLV, flyers), gestion de la base de données clients (ciblage, campagne marketing locale, mailing)
    . Suivi des activités commerciales et animation des équipes locales : analyse et suivi des performances, organisation de réunions, challenges et présentations commerciales
    . Gestion de projet : lancement d’une carte co-brandée (planning, outils de promotion, mailing)
    . Fidélisation et Opérations Evénementielles : fidélisation client, gestion événementielle (parrainages, anniversaires), vernissages (planning, mailing, gestion de la soirée, retombées)

    // Operational and Direct Marketing: created marketing material (flyer, visual aids) and managed the client database (targeting, marketing campaign, mailing)
    // Analysed sales activities and managed the commercial team: helped synthesize market data, worked closely with the sales team (challenges, meetings, commercial presentation)
    // Project Management: managed the local business plan of a new co-branded credit card
    // Organized events and managed customer loyalty programmes: organized “vernissages”, managed local events organization and customer loyalty local actions


  • SciencesPo Aix (Institut D'Etudes Politiques D'Aix-En-Provence)

    Aix En Provence 2006 - 2011 Master II Affaires Internationales de l'Entreprise / Master's Degree in International Business

    . Diplôme Sciences Po Aix - IEP d’Aix-en-Provence, Mention Bien
    . Commerce International, Marketing, Stratégie, Gestion de Projet
    . Date d'obtention : Janvier 2012

    // Double diploma – IEP diploma and SciencesPo Aix Master’s degree in International Business
    // Business major: International Business, Marketing, Strategy, Project Management
    // Date of graduation: January 2012


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