


En résumé

Administrateur de Systèmes UNIX (Aix)
Etant consultant bilingue en matière sur Unix avec 15 ans d'expériences, géré des systèmes de haute disponibilité dans des environnements de petites et grandes échelles et en utilisant l’Administration de Systèmes avancés (pour IBM AIX et Sun Solaris). Mon expérience théorique et pratique d'AIX s’applique dans le monde de la virtualisation et de la micro-division «LPAR».

1988 : Diplôme de «Mastère en Informatique Industrielle» de CESI, Evry»
CAPES (Science & Mathématiques, Education), Université de Birmingham, Angleterre
B.Sc. - Diplôme de «Bachelor of Science (chimie)» d’Université d’Aston, Birmingham, Angleterre

Assistance Maîtrise d'Ouvrage : Sécurité UNIX, Administration
Assistance Maîtrise d'Œuvre : LPAR, VI/O, pSeries 5, 6, 7, installation > 55 LPARs, MCO des centaines LPARs
Niveau de sécurité : BS (expiré 22/08/2010), CTC, SC, FSA contrôlé.

Mes compétences :
Shell scripting
IBM pSeries
Korn shell
Lean Six Sigma


  • Geodis - Aix System Administrator (LPAR VIOS, DLPAR, NIM)

    Levallois-Perret 2014 - 2014
  • Centre Cnam en Région Alsace - Aix System Administrator (LPAR VIOS, DLPAR, NIM)

  • BSi_ - Aix (UNIX) Administrateur de Système expérimenté

    London 2014 - 2014
  • Econocom Osiatis - AIx System Administrator

    Puteaux 2013 - 2013
  • BT (PMU) - Administrateur de Système (Aix)

    2012 - 2012 • Support AIX N2/N3 sur x23 lpars et x2 serveurs de VIO en créant
    • Administration VIO et SAN sur DS4800.
    • Réaliser un démonstrateur de NIM sur PreProd
    • Créer une script UX_check_point (2208 lignes) basée sur iCheck,
    • Piloter plusieurs interventions selon les « managed servers » pour remplacer les pièces selon de FRU établis via HMC.
  • Steria - Aix System Administrator

    Paris 2012 - 2012 The company hired me as an Aix Engineer who has a background/experience in the infrastructure and Production troubleshooting field and LPAR engineering VIOS in order to boost Industrialisation for their procedures whilst acting as a Team Playier for BAU tasks as well as paying an active role in Project work involving new clients.
    • re-coupled 17 SAN disk (1.5 Tb) from a legacy safeguard server back to the original hosts and re-integrated the data using LVM to re-create a new mechanism for Safeguarding Oracle data locally.
    • Coupled disk space from a EMC Symmetrix Virtual Provisioning (EMC CLARiiON CX4 ) to replace the current Power disk by first extending the original volume groups, low level migration of data to new physical volumes and detaching the old, across x4 Aix Production hosts involving (1.5 Tb) of data.
    • Wrote X15 How To … manuals (140 pages) on aspects of Aix System Administration and presented them to the Company's Database using Lotus Notes
    • Rebuild x3 RAID on x2 Production legacy Aix 4.3 hosts successfully recovering data despite the fact that the Predictive Failure Analysis had been postulated 3 months prior.
    • Created a front-end and a back-end scripts that invoked ssh calling HMC low level commands that reported back into .csv ASCII files the results of
    o LPAR/VIO (memory, vlan, cpu, sea …) configurations,
    o service level events (option on OPEN|CLOSED events X days in the past)
    Integrated these into a big brother scenario for team access.
  • Faurecia/IBM Etampes/Montbéliard, France -  AIX System Administrator

    2011 - 2012 Migrated x4 Lpar hosts from Aix 5.3 to Aix 6.1 and upgraded to HACMP 6.1SP8
    Configuring x11 NIM remote hosts on x2 NIM Servers for file operations (mksysb) and SMS Aix installations
    Created system plans on from existing Managed Systems across x4 HMC’s and 28 Managed hosts
    Dynamically modifying virtualised Lpar memory/cpu to meet production needs
    Interrogated the HMC sending multiple scripts via SSL to collect data on use of cpu, io, mem as well as listing service events
    Created 1115 lines of Korn shell scripting to ensure RC start of nmon and nagios monitoring on errpt …
    130 pages of x5 Reporting strategic documents, with a technical bias, and x3 Operation Manual sheets fully formatted
  • Systèmes Technologiques d'Echange et de Traitement (STET) - Senior AIX Administrator

    2011 - 2011 This major European organisation, a 24/7 Automated Clearing House daily servicing the French European payment industry and providing processing services for SEPA and domestic [sic European] financial (€18,6 m) instruments hired me as a strong French-speaking Unix Engineer who has a background/experience in the compliance/IT security field and LPAR engineering. Created tools appropriate tools and methods to protect their systems and information based on objective oriented methodology towards meeting managerial expectations: which implies meeting my (iCHECK) own Inform-Decide-Exploit-Act (IDEA) standards.
    • Created x27 level 1 and 3 user accounts associated with groups, exploited using sudo, authenticated using OpenSSL keys across development, testing, pre-production and finally production hosts using scripts calling functions within the FPATH environment
    • Under sccs created a doSecPasswdMk script using flags to input a password file generated by KeePass Password Safe file that contains the user, password, host non read-write ready for distribution: the same script transmits via root OpenSSL keys and executes chpasswd remotely.
    • Facilitate defining security requirements and operational procedures to ensure compliance within Data Security Standard framework for Payment Card Industry,
    o then built the phase-I POC (OpenSSL portal server, LDAP server, NIM server and 3 Testing client LPAR ready for IBM consultants
    o Carried out test scripting on development hosts running both Aix 5.3 and 6.1, using sccs and ssh specifically for
    § Testing RBAC, NIM distribution of TCB, use of aixpert and setting up inheritance using EFS to make encrypted files
    • Set-up a test bed involving Power Broker to trial
    o PCI-DSS compliance for authorized users key-stroke capture within a role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Atradius. Cardiff, Wales - Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator

    2010 - 2010 Feb 2010 Aug 2010 Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator, Atradius. Cardiff, Wales
    3 +3 months consulting as a French bilingual Aix System Administrator responsible for a Migration Project Gathering, Analysing and Inditing the Technical Systems & Business Application Requirements, including the Technology Intelligence, for a complex, resource intensive Web Portal Application Server/Database Server Client-Server model of an extract-transform-load (ETL) Services (CautioNet) with associated File Servers and Print Server for an International Trade Credit Insurance and Risk Management Corporation, in order to consolidate the Technical Systems Support and Infrastructure into the UK and Ireland HQ in Cardiff Bay whilst leaving the Application Development and Support in Paris.
  • Barclays Knutsford England - UNIX Ingénieur (Securité)

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Nov 2010 – Dec 2010 UNIX Engineer (Security), Barclays Knutsford, England
    This Global blue chip organisation hired me as a strong Unix Engineer who has a background/experience in the compliance/IT security field. Analysed their UNIX estate (UNIX-AIX, HACMP, Server Cluster & SAN) and was able to define security requirements and operational procedures to ensure network integrity, physical protection and authorised access to the network and applications. More specifically was able to identify the current state of hosts with respect to critical updates published by IBM. Implemented the appropriate tools and methods to protect their systems and information.
    As well as define security requirements and operational procedures to ensure compliance with security framework.
  • BSi_ Ltd., Research Assistant, Birmingham, UK - Aix System Consultant

    2009 - 2014 Jan 2009 Jul 2009 Research Assistant, BSi_ Ltd. Birmingham, UK
    3 months researching NHS case studies, technical writing base studies for use in dissertations as part of NHS Diploma studies leading to Adult Nursing qualification. .
    • Researching case studies, care plans, evidence based health care and solution with specific reference to latest technology and research
    • Writing appraisals and reviewing current literature, making recommendations using map-maps, content based objective outlines and descriptions designed to meet with expectations
  • Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator - Alliance & Leicester Leicester, UK

    2008 - 2009 Jul 2008 – Jan 2009 Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator, Alliance & Leicester Leicester, UK
    6+ months engagement on a project to roll-out 15 Oràcle Forms/Oràcle Server Client/Server projects running on 64 IBM p-570 LPAR’s just prior to Santandar taking over the bank. Core Banking Support both low level System Engineering and trouble-shooting Virtualisation scenario, dealing with Hardware and DLPAR issues as well as classic Aix System Administration and Security scripting – constraint not to have any down-time because of Joint Barclay, Alliance, Lloyds Faster Payment. Peer review of documentation. Classic Aix administration for WAS hosts connected to NetApp SAN’s.
  • Vanderlande Hearthrow T5, Heathrow, UK - Administrateur de Système expérimenté

    2007 - 2007 Jan 2007 – Apr 2007 Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator, Vanderlande T5, Heathrow, UK
    Engaged for 3 months (+) on this mega £8 billion contract to build Terminal 5 for BAA, Heathrow and the new Baggage Handling System. Directly responsible for 2nd/3rd O/S line support during the Proof of Concept (POC) trials.
    Aix 5l system administration for 7 Or?cle instances as well as for several Simulation programmes across four 550 pSeries LPAR, with regular HACMP failover to four more remote machines, including – 2 Solaris machines were present in the park, as well as EMC (Symmetrix) SAN providing UNIX support for 3 Or?cle DBA's as well as carrying out System Consultancy on Capacity Performance, HACMP re-design and well as hundreds of System Administration housekeeping tasks whilst 46 Engineers carried out integration as well as FAT, UAT and PAT activities. Helped redesign their Safeguard Netbackup strategy. Korn shell scripting for Or?cle DBA’s and other System tasks.
  • Fujitsu Swansea, Wales - AIX/UNIX Administrateur de Système expérimenté

    Asnières sur Seine 2007 - 2007 Aug 2007 – Nov 2007 Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator, Fujitsu Swansea, Wales
    Engaged for 3 months on a government contract to upgrade Aix from 5.1 to 5.3. Responsible for carrying out Operational Acceptance Testing, Proof of Concept and documentation. Aix 5.3l system administration for 5 LPAR'S including safeguards for Lpar, HMC Critical data and IOS using Fujitsu bespoke ITIL based procedures and best practise. Helped redesign their POC strategy running on a 9131-52A using Virtual I/O (VIOS) to allocate resources and micro-partition CPU's. Korn shell scripting for System tasks. Security clearance granted.
  • Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator - Phones4U Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK

    2007 - 2008 Nov 2007 – Jul 2008 Senior AIX/UNIX Administrator, Phones4U Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK
    9 months project to roll-out 15 Oracle Forms/Oracle Server Client/Server projects running on 8 IBM p-570. Supported legacy hosts upon which BAU maintained all cash registration running on x2 legacy H70 with 250 Gb on SSA external disks under Aix 4.3.1. On call support for all 17 machines as well as been implicated in giving UNIX mentoring and counselling to UAT teams bedding in Application solutions as the deadline for go-live approaches in a Java, Siebel, Or?cle forms, Or?cle Data Server http Web Server, Payroll system solution running under 25 virtualised LPAR hosts. All procedures handled through ITIL.



    Evry 1987 - 1988 Mastère

    Ingénieur en Informatique Industrielle - langage C, Korn scrips, robotique
  • Aston University (Birmingham)

    Birmingham 1968 - 1972 Chemistry, specilised in polymer science


Annuaire des membres :