35 years experience in Services Companies in the Information Technology applied to Industries, Industrial Automation and Factory Automation.More than 20 years of residence in South East Asia, Strong experience in Start up set up and management , Business development , Technical and commercial management
Strong ability to deal with government bodies and MNC.
Strong interpersonal skills
Owner of Industrial Automation Services company and Automation products company .
European Union Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry O&G commitee Chairman
MFCCI ( Malaysian French Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Director since 1997, 4 terms President
EUMCCI (European Union Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry) Founder, Director since 1998 5 terms chairman
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturer Member
MLVK-vocational - training & UNIKL Member & technical adviser
Malaysia France Institute Technical Advisory Committee member
IFP (French Institut of Petroleum ) Senior Trainer
KNX Representative , E.U. association for Building Management Networks technology under Cenelec
Specialties: Business development strategy, Start up management, Economic intelligence , Partners matching, Deal set-up, Marketing studies, Lobbying
Mes compétences :
Analyse stratégique
Analyse technique
Développement commercial
Relations internationales
Gouvernance d'entreprise
Développement international
Centres de profits