Hello, my name is Samantha and I am 24. After graduating with a master degree of mathematics from University of Rennes 1 and completing the Agrégation examination, I am specializing in statistics at the University of Nantes.
I am currently searching for an internship combining some of the following skills : statistics (including bayesian methods), probabilities (including martingales and Markov processes), linear regression (including RIDGE and LASSO methods), time series analysis, data mining, relational databases, and possibly other fields of mathematics.
I use to work with R and SAS for statistical analysis. I can also program in C/C++ and SQL.
In 2014, I realised a mentored research work on queueing theory with Valentine Videt, under the direction of Mihai Gradinaru, researcher in probabilities and stochastic calculus at the University of Rennes 1.