


En résumé

Maîtrise d’ouvrage en systèmes d’information en gestion portuaire, commerce international et industrie automobile ou aéronautique.

Disponibilité: immédiate

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Base de données
Mobilité internationale


  • Trasys - Consultant business analyst

    Hoeilaart 2011 - 2014 Parlement Européen - Evolutions et maintenance des services parlementaires
    Mise en œuvre des projets : traité de Lisbonne, actes délégués, avis motivés des parlements nationaux
    Déploiement de 3 à 4 versions applicatives / an, 30 issues chacune
  • EPIGONE - Project ownership assistance

    2007 - 2010 - Exchanging with partners in support of contract back office managers
    - User acceptance test and deployment of the product “Accident Family Insurance” in OPUS : a software managing protection and funeral insurance contracts

    - Reliability project for managing the Article 83 contracts in CIRVIE : a software managing life insurance individual and employees savings

    - Starter project : coordination while developing the software managing life insurance individual saving contracts for the international subsidiaries (Morocco)
    Customers and business sectors
    - Protection, life insurance employees or individual savings
    - Customers : Auxia, SmaBtp, Sogecap
  • CGI - Project Management

    Casablanca 2004 - 2007 - Exploitation and assessing the running of the exchanging application interfaced with the international software Cacs so as to adapt it to manage the over-indebtedness

    - Rewriting a system designed to the risk hedging on metal purchasing operations and transactions on London Metal Exchange, based on the the J2EE standards

    - Tierce Maintenance Applicative of the international project dedicated to the customer relationship management and the invoicing of a multi product (water, cleaning, electricity)

    Customers and business sectors
    - Services dedicated to cards and personal loans, risk management for metals purchasing, water distribution and cleaning utilities
    - Customers : Cofinoga, Nexans, la Saur
  • France télécom - Project ownership assistance internship (6 months)

    Paris 2003 - 2003 - Participating in steering the two projects for migration to Oracle 8 and the study of the convergence of global rating voice traffic IT applications


  • Ecole Des Mines ISI

    Nancy 2000 - 2003 Ingénieur civil des Mines

    ▪ Système bancaire et produits financiers, économie et finance, statistiques, recherche opérationnelle, probabilités, analyse numérique, science de la matière, management industriel et stratégie de l’entreprise


Annuaire des membres :