Peak Lifecycles HR is a Recruitment and Talent Management company dedicated to Life Sciences. We focus on Executive and Middle Up positions
Peak Lifecylces HR support Pharmaceutical and Biotech, Medical Devices and MedTech, as well as Diagnostic companies to address the Agility Challenge. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare change of business model is challenging HR organization, job contents and competencies. In order to cope with increased uncertainty and ambiguity, Organizational Agility became a critical success factor.
We support Life Sciences companies through:
- Recruitment of Corporate profiles and Affiliate Board Members. Our approach is based on certified methodology.
We launch a new offer: pooling of skills allowing companies to increase their agility. For more info, please contact us.
- Talent Management: select, assess, develop and retain your best people. Our certified tools based on HR R&D provide an unbiased assessment of your key people. We provide assessment center, development center, 360° and coaching.
- Organizational Audit: a prospective analysis of your processes and your organization (people, positions, careers). An organizational audit allows your company to adapt and anticipate to changing environment.
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