(Please note that I won't accept any connection request from people I haven't actually met.)
I've been working in the game industry for 14 years in a variety of different roles. I started as a journalist (Cyberstratège, PC4War, IG Magazine, les Cahiers du Jeu Vidéo) while I was finishing my studies in Literature and Cinema at La Sorbonne. Then I quickly switched to game design, thanks to a bunch of passionate friends who took me on their team.
I worked for Ageod as co-producer, UI designer, artist, web designer, community manager... I learned a LOT while working on 3 of the Ageod historical wargames (Birth of America, American Civil War, Pride of Nations)
Then I joined Ankama as a game designer: I worked on Dofus Arena, transmedia MMORPG Wakfu, and as a lead designer on unreleased projects for Nintendo DS and iPhone.
In 2010 I went to work with Lexis Numerique on a very ambitious narrative game for PS3. Perfect opportunity to use my background in Literature/Cinema and my skills in game design, and to learn many more things (interactive storytelling, actors' direction, motion capture...).
In 2013 I spent 8 intense months at Cyanide Studio, designing the story and writing the dialogues for the stealth game Styx: Master of Shadows (Of Orcs And Men IP).
And I am now the Lead Narrative Designer and Writer at Arkane Studios, working on Dishonored 2. So much to create and manage in an immersive sim of this scale!
I love it when games try to be meaningful and to go beyond the "ludo-narrative dissonance". That's what I try to do in my day-job and in my little personal games.
I look forward to continue experimenting on new game concepts and interesting worlds. And I'll take any opportunity to be among the first pioneers on Mars.