


En résumé

Seeking an opportunity abroad in Marketing & Communication

- Master in Management at EMLYON Business School. Special track in Business to Consumer marketing.
- 6 month internship at W&Cie (Havas group) Communication & Design Agency
- Adapt easily to a multicultural context

Inventive, Determined, Autonomous

Mes compétences :
Project management
Microsoft Office
Adobe Illustrator CS6


  • W&cie - Junior Project Manager Retail

    2014 - 2014 Coordinated multidisciplinary teams on space and architecture projects

    Supported project from the brand strategy and creative concept to its implementation
    - Benchmark of tendances and competitors
    - Analysis of customers needs
    - Strategic and creative recommendations

    Operational management
    - Client relationship and scheduling
    - Costs tracking

    Clients : La Poste, Mc Donald's, Roland Garros

    Involved in the management and success of the new business competition for the new Roland Garros stadium

  • Voyage Privé - Assistant Contracting Director

    Aix-en-Provence 2013 - 2013 Management of Flash Sales

    Built an average of 10 flash sales a week
    - Gathered all informations about products, checked and completed documents required in the process, respected deadlines.
    - Benchmarked competitors' offers.
    - Managed stocks during the flash sale

    Marketing Product
    - Prepared the brief merchandising : title & picture of the flash sale.
    - Identified and communicated about best aspects of products to maximize sales.
    - Sourced new products according to the company policy
  • Ski Club EMLYON - Project Manager

    2013 - 2014 Project Manager at Ski Club EMLYON (ski society of EMLYON Business School), Lyon, France

    The Coupe Adhémar Ersnt&Young is a French ski competition which gathers more than 450 students every year. With a 110 000€ budget, the Ski Club EM organizes an event which combines sport and fun in the heart of the French Alpes.
    - Sourced new partnerships and negotiated with companies.
    - In charge of animations during the event (freestyle competition, live show, games).

    Member of the communication Hub
    - Elaborated several communication campaigns to communicate about events of the ski society.
    - Designed posters, logos and teasers.
  • Voluntarios Sin Fronteras - Project Manager

    2012 - 2012 Coordinated several educative and recreational projects in underprivileged areas.
    Launched a communication campaign to attract new volunteers.
    Audit the organization and planned changes to overcome intern difficulties



Annuaire des membres :