GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research
- Postdoctoral Fellow
2007 - maintenant
In charge of the design and the construction of a time-of-flight wall detector dedicated to the detection of positively charged particles emitted during hypernuclei decay
In charge of the design and the construction of the start detector used in the pilot experiment (phase 0) of the HypHI collaboration at GSI
In charge of the upgrade of the ALADiN TOF-wall dedicated to the detection of negative pions emitted during hypernuclei decay
Working for the setup of scintillating fiber tracking detectors and drift chambers in the framework of the HypHI phase 0 experiment
Part of the team in charge of the data analysis software development for the HypHI project
Analysis, using C++/ROOT, of the data collected during the pase 0 experiment (Oct. 2009) of the HypHI project
In charge of the analysis for the time-of-flight measurements
Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research
- PhD Thesis
2004 - 2007
Thesis title: Multifragmentation: role of the mass and isospin
Participation to the data taking of the SPALADIN experiment dedicated to the study of spallation reactions (Feb. 2004)
Analysis, using C++/ROOT, of the ALADiN S254 data in order to study the isotopic effects in nuclear fragmentation
Study of gross properties of fragmentation reactions (mean fragent multiplicity, memory effects, ...)
Study of breakup temperatures using the isotopic thermometer method based on the double ratio between isotope yields
Study of isoscaling phenomenon and its link with the symmetry energy term of the nuclear equation of state
Universite Louis Pasteur
- Master's Thesis in the radioprotection group RAMSES
2003 - 2003
Contribution to the design of a CMOS pixel-based alpha dosimeter - Application to radon measurement