
Sébastien GARREAU


En résumé

Mon parcours diversifié reflète ma nature curieuse et intéressée, qui m'a amené à vivre des expériences très riches, variées et pluridisciplinaires. Je suis par conséquent ouvert à tout nouveau contact, qui permettra d'élargir mon horizon...

Je suis consultant depuis 2007. A cette fonction, j'ai tout loisir de mettre à profit (et à l'épreuve) mes capacités d'adaptation et de communication, ma soif d'apprendre ainsi que l'expérience acquise au travers de missions variées.

Grâce à ces qualités et à mes compétences couvrant plusieurs domaines (R&D, qualité, amélioration continue, management) j'ai déjà démontré ma capacité à mener à bien des projets dans des secteurs a priori éloignés : la chimie organique, la physique, la pharmacie, la plasturgie, l'automobile, les appareils médicaux ou encore les assurances.

Après des missions de gestion de projet et d'amélioration continue (LEAN 6 Sigma), je souhaite m'orienter plus spécifiquement dans ce dernier domaine.

A bientôt !

Mes compétences :
Amélioration continue


  • Altran

    Boulogne-Billancourt (92100) 2007 - maintenant Gestion de projets, R&D,Qualté
  • Novo Nordisk - LEAN management project leader

    La Défense Cedex 2005 - 2005 Novo Nordisk is an international Danish company, specialised in diabetes care. The French site produces insulin injecting pens.

    My cross-functional project within the Quality required the following main skills:

    - Logistics, quality tools and approaches: optimization of the flows through the site, continuous improvement, LEAN management, PDCA, VSM, 5S, 5M, Ishikawa, SMED, Kaizen, TPM.

    - Study of standards and regulations (cGMP, pharmacopoeias, FDA, ISO, AFSSAPS)

    - Implementatin of action plans and indicators, modification of the documentation system.

    - Communication with other Novo Nordisk sites, the executive committee, the other departments, suppliers; management of the resistance to change.

    - Pilot studies (feasability, business case, choice of the supplier) concerning a new analytical device.
  • La Saussaye - Teacher

    2005 - 2007 This institution from the Ministry of Agriculture includes a high school, an adult training center and an apprenticeship school.

    I taught physics and chemistry and mathematics to every level of apprentices (apprentices from 15 to 23 years old ) and to A-Level "academic" students.

    To reach the goals (pass A-level, or professional diplomas), I put in practice and developed these personal skills:

    - Adapt the available media and the way of teaching to the audiences.
    - Management of groups (different sizes), conflict resolution, goals achievement.

    I was also involved in the management of the institution.
  • ACADOMIA - Teacher

    Paris 2004 - 2007 I "taught" (as a visiting coach) mathematics, physics and chemistry to students from junior school to A-Level.

    Thus, I put my communication and pedagogy skills in practice for a while...
  • CERSIM - Canada - Researcher, project leader

    2001 - 2003 This research center is located in the Laval university, in Quebec City. My project funded by pharmaceutical partners consisted in developing new polymeric materials for industrial application in the short term.

    *Technical achievements

    - Organics syntheses, polymerizations.

    - Tests and validations.

    - Materials characterization : 1D and 2D NMR, X-Ray diffraction, chromatographies (HPLC, SEC), spectrométries (Raman, IR, UV-Visible), thermal analyses (TGA, DSC), electrochemistry...


    - Quality approach
    Synthesis optimization: 50% reduction of synthesis time, yield increaesd tenfold.

    - Daily management of the laboratory (initiation of worldwide collaborations, relationship with suppliers, security and environment standards).

    - Management of a small team.

    - Writing of reports, patents and scientific publications, participation to conferences.
  • Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel - PhD Reseacher

    1997 - 2000 I worked in the Crystal Physics Laboratory, which research projects focused on conducting polymers and carbon nanotubes.

    I synthesized and studied new conducting polymers of industrial interest.


    - Organic syntheses, polymerizations (bulk, thin films and nanofibers).

    - Characterization(NMR, Raman, IR, UV-Visible, thermal analyses, electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, magnetic and electrical studies).

    - Modeling.

    - Writing of reports and scientific publications, participation in international conmferences.

    - Supervision of trainees projects

    - Teaching: practical works "Polymers and composites" (engineering school), lectures in physics.



Annuaire des membres :