
Sébastien JOHANECK


En résumé

After many years in the film industry in the fields of production, postproduction, consultancy and shootings, I have joined the audiovisual department of ESN, a top-ranking communication agency in Brussels. My professionnal knowledge as marketing and communication manager gives me specific assets. I am specially focused on films production and diffusion to new/social medias, TVs and campaigns monitoring.

Mes compétences :
Social media advertising


  • European Service Network - Project Manager Production - Post production - Diffusion

    2012 - maintenant Audiovisual Departement: specialized on production and diffusion of films to TV channels, web and social medias. Monitoring ROI of the campaigns. Account Management. Web, TV and Cinema Distribution in European countries. Marketing campaigns on the web. Contacts with TV channels for diffusion and promotion. European Commission clients: Directorate General Research and Innovation / Home Affairs / Regional Policy / Trade / Communication / Enlargement / Communication Networks, Content and Technology / Agriculture and Rural Development ...
  • Freelance / Indépendant - Marketing Consultant

    2010 - 2012 Brussels Area, Belgium
    Elaboration of a Market study concerning Audiovisual Post Production in Belgium, Elaboration of a new Marketing Action Plan, Financial Analysis of the recurrent projects. Elaboration of a Market study concerning European TV syndication and of a Business Plan proposing a commercial action on the TV European market.
  • Freelance / Indépendant - Post Production Manager - feature films industry

    2008 - 2012 Belgium - Luxemburg - France
    Movies: "Arrêtez-moi" - Sophie Marceau, Miou-Miou - Rezo Films / "J'enrage de son absence" (Cannes 2012) - Sandrine Bonnaire, William Hurt - Mon Voisin Productions, Iris Films / "La Clinique de l'amour" - Artus De Penguern, Bruno Salomone, Héléna Noguerra - 24/25, Iris Films / "Avant l'aube" - Jean Pierre Bacri - Mon Voisin Productions, Iris Films / "De Force" - Isabelle Adjani + Eric Cantona - Marylin Productions, Iris Films...
  • Freelance / Indépendant - On Set Location Manager - feature films industry

    2008 - 2012 Movies: "Möbius" Eric Rochant,Tim Roth, Jean Dujardin, Cécile De France – Europacorp, Recifilms, Artemis Productio / "Radin" V Lagaff – TF1, Ramona Productions, Be Films / "La Solitude du Pouvoir" Josée Dayan, Pascal Elbé - France Télévision, Be Films / "The Expatriate" Aaron Eckhardt - Informant Films, U Films / "Pierre Goldman" Samuel Benchetrit – Canal+, Capa, Be Films / "De Force" Isabelle Adjani, Eric Cantona - Marylin Productions, Iris Films…
  • DELABIE - Marketing Manager

    Friville-Escarbotin 2004 - 2008 • Marketing :
    Participation à l’élaboration du plan marketing,
    Gestion des agences et des fournisseurs “above the line”,
    Gestion des sites web (Fr - Gb) en back office,
    Copywriting des catalogues et publicités Fr – Gb sur Quark Xpress,
    Recherches et études marketing,
    Veille technologique...
    • Communication :
    Organisation et suivi des salons professionnels nationaux et internationaux (250k€/an),
    Création et mise à jour des documentations commerciales Fr-Gb (100k€/an - 60 pays) / Quark Xpress,
    Administration des sites web,
    Création des supports commerciaux (50k€/an),
    Merchandising, Packaging
    Relations presse…
    • Management :
    Management opérationnel : infographistes, assistants et employés
    Gestion des sous-traitants,
    Coordination inter-départements…
  • JOHANECK / Freelance - Directeur de production / Chargé de production / Réalisation

    1999 - 2004 Films Publicitaires TV-Ciné / Documentaires / Institutionnel



Annuaire des membres :