
Sebastien TOURSEL


En résumé

Je suis un marchand de vins, tout simplement.

Equipier des vignerons qui nous font confiance pour mettre en valeur leur travail et notre recherche commune de vins authentiques, révélateurs de la diversité des terroirs et des histoires.

Equipier des professionnels qui nous confient le plaisir de leurs clients en harmonie avec leur savoir-faire.

Equipier des particuliers qui nous disent ce qu'ils aiment manger et boire.

Au rugby, le numéro 12: 1er centre, au contact et à la transmission.

Mes compétences :
Commerce international
Matériaux composites


  • Plaisirs du Vin Chambéry - SARL Oenoserv - Gérant

    2008 - maintenant 2000 vins de tous les vignobles, du vin de soif à la grande bouteille, avec un service irréprochable. Cave à Chambéry, présent en Savoie et département limitrophes.
  • Borealis - Key Customer Leader / Sales Manager Automotive France

    Vienna 2006 - 2013 Commercial relationship with Renault-Nissan and PSA : value proposition, positioning, negotiation
    Global leadership on key accounts Plastic Omnium, Faurecia, Visteon
    French Automotive market.
    Achievements : increased market share 2006-2013, globalisation with new sales outside Europe
  • Saint-Gobain Vetrotex - Business Manager Twintex® Europe (thermoplastic composites).

    Courbevoie 2005 - 2006 Responsible for the P&L of the product line in Europe.
    Management of the Twintex® European business, at industrial, marketing and commercial levels.
    Project manager of the industrialisation of Twintex® in Europe. ISO-TS qualification.
    Organisation of the supply chain between Saint-Gobain plants and with external partners.
    Results: double digit profitable growth.
  • Saint-Gobain Vetrotex - Sales and Marketing Manager Twintex® Europe / Market Development Manager Automotive Europe

    Courbevoie 2002 - 2004 Sales Development of an innovative product on all composite markets in new and existing applications.
    Sales strategy, price policy, communication and marketing, partnership strategy.
    Negotiation and project management with most European car OEM’s and plastic moulders.
    Team Management (3 people), daily cooperation with the sales, R&D and production departments.
    Results: development of new markets, 300% growth, industrialisation of Twintex® in Europe
  • Saint-Gobain Vetrotex - Sales Manager France (glass fiber)

    Courbevoie 2000 - 2002 Motivation of the sales team (3 salesmen + 3 assistants). Creation and follow up of reporting tools.
    Application of the sales strategy, personnally in charge of industrial key accounts and distribution.
    Achievements: profitability increase and stability of the market share
  • Saint-Gobain Sovis (Château-Thierry - FR) - Export Area Manager

    1995 - 2000 Sales of specialty glazing for commercial refrigeration: technical solutions for industrials and distribution.
    Development of applications / key accounts / distribution network
    Area: France / Spain / Portugal / United Kingdom / Ireland / Scandinavia.
    Results: 80% Turnover growth from 1995 to 1999.



Annuaire des membres :