


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Recherche scientifique
Enseignement universitaire
Biologie moléculaire
Purification de protéines


  • BBF Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Fongiques (INRA) - AFMB (CNRS) - Post Doctorant

    2015 - maintenant
  • Laboratoire d'ingénierie des systèmes biologiques et procédés - PhD student

    2011 - 2015 TITLE: Functional and structural insights into glycoside hydrolase family 130 enzymes:
    implications in carbohydrate foraging by human gut bacteria.
    The interplay between gut bacteria, food and host play a key role in human health. The functional characterization of Uhgb_MP, an enzyme belonging to the family 130 of glycoside hydrolases, discovered by functional metagenomics, revealed novel functions of plant cell wall polysaccharide and host glycan degradation by phosphorolysis. The molecular determinants of Uhgb_MP specificity towards mannosides were identified by solving its crystal structure, in apo form and in complex with its ligands. A new process of high added value mannosylated oligosaccharide synthesis by reverse-phosphorolysis was also developed. Finally, the functional characterization of the BACOVA_03624 protein from Bacteroides ovatus ATCC 8483, a highly prevalent gut bacterium, revealed that GH130 family both contains glycoside phosphorylases and glycoside hydrolases, which are able to degrade mannosides and galactosides, and to synthesize them by reverse-phosphorolysis and/or transglycosylation. All these results, together with the identification of GH130 enzyme inhibitors, open new perspectives for studying, and potentially also for controlling, interactions between host and gut microbes.
  • Institut de Pharmacologie et de biologie structurale - Second year Master's student

    2010 - 2011 As a Master's degree final training period, my research project aimed at determining the 3D structure of the Fatty Acyl AMP-Ligase FADD32 from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by X-ray cristallography. As a vital enzyme for the bacterium, its 3D structure determination would help desiging new antibiotics for tuberculosis treatment. As a student, this experience gave me the opportunity to develop my skills in the field of general protein biochemistry, production, purification and structural caracterization. It also allowed me to become proficient in the field of protein cristallization, developped my team working abilities, as well as improving my communication skills such as written and oral reporting and reviewing of my work.
  • Institut de Pharmacologie et de biologie structurale - Stage de master 1

    2009 - 2010 Stage de Master 1 :
    Construction de souches bactériennes mutantes par ingénierie moléculaire.
    Equipe Mécanisme des infections mycobactériennes.



Annuaire des membres :