
Marie-Pierre BOUSQUET


En résumé

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  • University of Toulouse III - Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

    2002 - maintenant University of Toulouse 3, Senior research scientist at Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, CNRS, Toulouse. Research expertise in Proteomics and mass spectrometry of biomolecules, structure-activity relationship of human proteasome complexes, study of protein complexes dynamics by quantitative proteomics, protein posttranslational modifications, targeted proteomics.

    Domains of expertise :
    - Structure/function relationship of proteasome complexes using proteomic approaches: development of proteomic strategies to characterize the subunit composition of proteasome, including posttranslational modifications, to identify its regulatory complexes, and to quantify the dynamics of proteasome complexes in different cells, under various physiological states and in the context of pathologies.
    - Development of quantitative proteomic strategies for the determination and quantification of protein biomarkers in body fluids (serum, secretome) and mammalian cells.
  • University of La Rochelle - Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

    1999 - 2002 Laboratoire de Génie Protéique et Cellulaire (LGPC), University of La Rochelle headed by Prof. M.D. Legoy : Fundamentals of gas/solid biocatalysis and application for enantioselective synthesis of chiral synthons.
  • Université Paul Sabatier - Maître de conférences

    Toulouse 1999 - maintenant
  • Groupe Limagrain - Research engineer

    Saint-Beauzire 1997 - 1999 Postdoctoral and research engineer positions, Centre Régional d'Innovation et de Transfert de Technologies (CRITT, Toulouse). Industrial research contract with ULICE (LIMAGRAIN group).
  • Laboratory of Prof. P. MONSAN - PhD student

    1994 - 1997 Ph.D. thesis, Laboratory of Prof. P. MONSAN, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et procédés (LISBP): Enzymatic synthesis of alpha-glucosides derivatives for cosmetic applications. Biocatalysis
  • ZENECA BioProducts - Industrial trainee

    1992 - 1994



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