❋ Published peer-reviewed scientific articles
❋ Obtained research experience in a variety of industrial and academic environments including food and agronomy research, pharmaceuticals, and organic materials
❋ Synthesized, extracted and structural characterized (analytical chemistry) a wide range of organic molecules (polymer, carbohydrates, proteins…) for use in industrial applications frameworks
❋ Discovered and patented novel exopolymeric substances (EPS) from two Cryptococcus yeast species with potential industrial and ecological applications
❋ Developed program and process in the quality management system in order to meet production standards and requirements
❋ Served on boards and committees to ensure that the needs of fellow graduate students were met
Mes compétences :
Communications: Veille bibliographique, Conférence
Oenologie: Fermentations, Analyses de composants d
Logiciels: Microsoft Office, Zotero, Endnote, Scif
Contrôle et Assurance Qualité des agro-ressources,
Isolement et polymérisation ADN, mutagenèse dirigé
Relation Structure/Fonctions de biopolymères : pou
Caractérisation Structures moléculaires de biopoly
Synthèse organique de biopolymères (modification d