French, currently living in Lausanne, Switzerland.
27 year-old.
Finished my PhD in biology and physics (Structural systems biology of G protein coupled receptors in supported-native membranes) in April 2013.
Next: Looking for a job for sustainable development in biology or ecology.
French (mother tongue), English (C2), German (B2), Spanish (B1), Italian (B1)
PhD at Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Membranes LCPPM, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) & collaboration with C-CINA laboratory, University of Basel
Master at Ecole Normale Superieur de Lyon
specialization in “Chemistry and Physics of biological systems”.
Teaching assistant (B.Sc., equivalent 650 hours): Biological Chemistry & Biooriented Organic Chemistry
Volunteer teaching of French to immigrants in Lausanne, from May 2012
Project management
PhD (4 year-project, problem solving, communication, self-organization, analytical and synthetical skills for report writing and presentation)
Supervision of three master students (1, 6 month- and 1 year-projects)
Organization of a mini-symposium in EPFL, March 2010, 20 people
Funder of the classical-dance club of the ENS, choreographer and trainer for INTER ENS 2006 tournament
Creation and realization of collaborative project with CINA laboratory.
Initiated small collaborations with 5 laboratories all over the world.
Oral presentations in national ( > 10) and one international (250 people) conferences.
Experimental skills
Cell culture, Native and artificial membranes, Polymers.
Radioactive assays, Rheology, Various fluorescence microscopy techniques, Electron microscopy, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.
Design of experiments.
IGOR, Image J, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, programing
In service training
₋ Management (Leadership, group dynamics-40h + Conflicts-11h)
₋ Communication (Negociation -11h + Commitment communication to change people behaviour-14h)
₋ Civil and Environmental Engineering: Waterborne pathogens (25h)
₋ Accounting and Finances (50h)
₋ Management of technological information (28h)
₋ Career and personal assessment (28h)
₋ How to understand and develop one’s creativity (16h)
₋ Engagement to cooperative development (15h)
Extraprofessional interests
• Volunteer teaching of French to immigrants in Lausanne, from May 2012.
• Volunteer for Festival de la Terre 2012 (Festival supporting ecological alternatives and associations).
• I am really curious and I Iike discovering new cultures while meeting people, participating in various multicultural activities and travelling.
• I enjoy conferences and debate especially the ones raising environmental and political issues.
• I like doing outside sports and danced for many years ballet with annual public performances (~300 people in the audience).
Mes compétences :
Communication interne
Collaborateurs au quotidien
Intelligence relationnelle
Communication externe
Efficacité professionnelle personnelle
Project management
Flexible et rapide capacité d'adaptation
International mobility