I'm passionate about each layers in a project.
Thus, I often work on all of stacks and I like it.
Recently, I've completed my own self-training with
the server-side.
Currently, these are all layers where I'm capable of
- think, sketch, using paper, pencil, mockups ...
- evaluate ergonomics with users tests and personas method
- design graphic interface
- develop solutions using differents languages
- kick off with own server
At the moment,
I'm using HTML5, CSS3, with Unsemantic CSS framework
for responsive grid only in integration stack.
The Client Side is build with AngularJS,
using Yeoman workflow (yo, grunt, bower).
I like to build secure RESTFull API in Python
with Flask micro framework. I couple Flask with Flask-SqlAlchemy
as the ORM to communicate with database layer (currently mysql).
I also add some other tools to build complete API.
All of these are hosted on a server (ubuntu or debian).
I can install a complete server. By this, I mean a LAMP stack
with mail server, security tools, monitoring and so on.
I usually use ISPConfig3, the hosting control panel in
order to quickly launch website.
I also build little network infrastructure with Virtualization.
In order to do that, I usually use the KVM hypervisor.
I deploy Virtual Machines with Virtlib and its command shell virsh.
And I'm gonna stay a moment on this stack a while because there is
a lot of things I would like to learn like Mysql cluster management,
more virtualization solutions and so on.
Besides, I have basic knowledge on human part from school formation.
I mean project management, organization, communication.
I always pay attention on all of these as they form the bridge
between my work and people.
I'd like to be a real Full-Stack-Whatever and I already know
the other parts that I miss...