
Stéphane MANDARD


En résumé

Stéphane Mandard was born in Châteauroux (France). After finishing secondary school, he studied biochemistry for four years before starting in 1997 his university training at the Institute of Biology in Lille where he received his M.S. degree. At this occasion, he explored research within the team of Pr. Dominique Stéhelin, digging into the role of the proto-oncogene c-cbl into thymic apoptosis in mice.
In 1998, after gathering some strong interests in the field of Nuclear Hormone Receptors, he joined the laboratory of Pr Walter Wahli and Pr Béatrice Desvergne (CIG, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland) where he started his Ph.D. project. As part of this study, he worked at deciphering the roles of the nuclear hormone receptors PPAR-alpha and PPAR-beta in energy metabolism.
The Ph.D. degree diploma in one hand, he moved to the Netherlands to work in the team of Pr. Sander Kersten in the Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics Group, at Wageningen University (Wageningen, The Netherlands). The postdoc project with the title “Determination of the function of the Fasting-induced Adipose Factor FIAF/Angplt4, a direct PPAR target gene” was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
Upon returning to France in September 2005 (laboratory of Pr. Norbert Latruffe), Stéphane is working as an Associate Professor at the University of Bourgogne, in Dijon. His current research focuses on elucidating the role of the peroxisomal 3-ketoacylCoA thiolase B gene in mice, a direct PPAR target gene.
From 2012 onwards, he develops a novel line of research in the team of Dr. Laurent Lagrost, at the INSERM Center (U1231) in Dijon. His principal interests revolve around the mechanisms, pathways, and functional implications of bile acids in the detoxification process of bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides).

Mes compétences :


  • Université de Bourgogne / INSERM U866 - Maitre de Conférences des Universités

    2005 - maintenant - Ecole Doctorale E2S : La PCR quantitative et ses applications dans vos projets de recherche : TD 4h
    - M2R Signalisation Cellulaire et Moléculaire (Cours Magistral et Genome Editing; Transgenèse Animale : 7h)
    - M2 Pro Management de l'Innovation en biotechnologies : CM 3h Applications de la (RT)qPCR dans l'industrie agro-alimentaire, en science forensique, clinique,....
    - Master I Biochimie/Biologie Moléculaire: Biotechnologies et Génie Génétique; CM: 15h)
    - Master 1 Biochimie - Biologie Moléculaire; DNA Chip, Re-Chip, Chip-On-Chip, ATAC Seq, FAIRE Seq, RNA Seq (CM "OMICS": 4h)
    - L3 BBM - TD de Pharmacocinétique (6h)
    - L3 BBM - TD Préparation à la Vie Professionelle
    - L3 BCP - TD Biologie Moléculaire (8h)
    - L3 Pro CTCBM: TD Bio-Informatique (4h)
    - L3 Pro CTCBM : TD Anglais Scientifique (7h)
    - IUT DUT Génie Biologique 2 ABB - TD Bio-Informatique (6h)

    Academic Editor for PPAR Research (IF=4,2) depuis 2011:

    Rapporteur des thèses suivantes:
    The Role of Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) in Chemoresistance and Autophagy During Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT); 2018, by Maegan LIM MIANG KEE, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapour; PMID: 30342537.

    The Role of Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor β/δ in Colorectal Cancer; 2018, by Eddie Han Pin TAN, NTU, Singapour; PMID: 29367760.

    The Role of Fibroblasts in Cancer Progression, Therapy Resistance and Field Cancerization; 2017, by Jeremy SOON KIAT CHAN, NTU Singapour; PMID: 28892046, PMID: 28102840.

    The role of angiopoietin-like 4 in cancer metastasis, 2015, by Zi Qiang TEO, NTU, Singapour; PMID: 28745316.

    Angiopoietin-like 4 as a biomarker and therapy target for acute lung damage; 2015, by Li LIANG, NTU, Singapour; PMID: 31164474.

    Examinateur de thèse:
    Mort cellulaire et modulation du clivage de la cadhérine N par un agoniste de PPARβ/δ dans un modèle de cancer de la vessie par Adeline PECHERY (Besançon, 2016)

    Régulation du métabolisme secondaire de l'arginine et de la cystéine par l'acide alpha-linolénique. Implication dans la physiopathologie du syndrome métabolique par Najoua GUELZIM AgropParis Tech (2011)

    Li et al., Antibody Treatment Against Angiopoietin-Like 4 Reduces Pulmonary Edema and Injury in Secondary Pneumococcal Pneumonia, mBio, 2019

    Lebrun et al., Enteroendocrine L Cells Sense LPS After Gut Barrier Injury to Enhance GLP-1 Secretion
    Cell Reports, 2017

    Janssen et al., Modulation of the Gut Microbiota Impacts Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Potential Role for Bile Acids, Journal of Lipid Research, 2017

    Nguyen et al., Lipopolysaccharides-mediated Increase in Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion: Involvement of the GLP-1 Pathway, Diabetes, 2014

    Mandard and Patsouris, Nuclear Control of the Inflammatory Response in Mammals
    PPAR Research (Hindawi Publishing Corporation), 2013

    A Role for the Peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA Thiolase B Enzyme in the Control of PPARα-mediated Upregulation of SREBP-2 Target Genes in the Liver
    Biochimie (Elsevier), 2011

    Arnauld et al., Modulation of the Hepatic Fatty Acid Pool in Peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA Thiolase B-null Mice Exposed to the Selective PPARalpha Agonist Wy14,643
    Biochimie (Elsevier), 2009

    Mandard et al., Glycogen Synthase 2 Is a Novel Target Gene of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2007

    Mandard S et al., The Fasting-Induced Adipose Factor/Angiopoietin-Like Protein 4 Is Physically Associated With Lipoproteins and Governs Plasma Lipid Levels and Adiposity
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006

    Genolet R. et al., Promoter Rearrangements Cause Species-Specific Hepatic Regulation of the Glyoxylate Reductase/Hydroxypyruvate Reductase Gene by the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005

    Zandbergen et al., The G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 Is a Novel PPAR Target Gene
    Biochemical Journal, 2005

    Patsouris et al., PPARalpha Governs Glycerol Metabolism
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2004

    Mandard et al., Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Target Genes
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2004

    Mandard et al., The Direct Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Target Fasting-Induced Adipose Factor (FIAF/PGAR/ANGPTL4) Is Present in Blood Plasma as a Truncated Protein That Is Increased by Fenofibrate Treatment
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004

    Kersten S et al., The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Regulates Amino Acid Metabolism
    The FASEB Journal, 2001

    Kersten et al., Characterization of the Fasting-Induced Adipose Factor FIAF, a Novel Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Target Gene
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2000

    Denis et al., Nuclear Localization of a New C-Cbl Related Protein, CARP 90, During in Vivo Thymic Apoptosis in Mice
    Cell Death and Differentiation, 1999


  • Wageningen University Wageningen UR (Wagenigen)

    Wagenigen 2002 - 2005 Nutrition, Métabolisme et Génomique

    Stage post-doctoral dans le laboratoire du Pr Sander Kersten.

    Sujet de recherche: In vivo characterization of FIAF/ANGPTL4 function(s), a novel hormone regulated by the Nuclear Hormone Receptors "Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors" (PPARs).
  • Université De Lausanne (Dorigny Lausanne)

    Dorigny Lausanne 1998 - 2002 Endocrinologie Moléculaire

    Préparation de la thèse de doctorat dans le laboratoire des Pr Walter WAHLI et Pr. Béatrice DESVERGNE.
    Sujet de recherche: "Rôles des récepteurs nucléaires PPARalpha dans le métabolisme énergétique et PPARbéta/delta dans la synthèse des acides gras".
  • Université Lille 1 Sciences Et Technologies

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 1996 - 1997 DEA Biologie-Santé

    Denis G, Mandard S et al., Nuclear Localization of a New C-Cbl Related Protein, CARP 90, During in Vivo Thymic Apoptosis in Mice, Cell Death and DIfferentiation 1999. DG et SM : co-fist authors.
    PMID: 10453080
  • Université Orléans

    Orleans 1993 - 1995 Biochimie Moléculaire et Cellulaire
  • Lycée Jacques Coeur

    Bourges 1991 - 1993 BTS Biochimiste
  • Lycée Honore De Balzac

    Issoudun 1988 - 1991 Mathématiques et Sciences de la Nature

    Baccalauréat série D


Annuaire des membres :