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Principales publications à ce jour :
Root-induced decomposer growth and plant N uptake are not positively associated among a set of grassland plants. 2007
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Saj, S., Mikola, J., Ekelund, F. 2007. Applied Soil Ecology, 37, 215-222
Short-term plant-decomposer feedbacks in grassland plants. 2008
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Saj, S. 2008. Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki. Helsinki University Press
Effects of legume defoliation on rhizosphere decomposers and organic matter N uptake of a neighbouring grass. 2008
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Saj, S., Mikola, J., Ekelund, F. Plant and Soil, 311, 141-149
Species-specific effects of live roots and shoot litter on soil decomposer abundances do not forecast plant litter-nitrogen uptake. 2009
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Saj, S., Mikola, J., Ekelund F. Oecologia, 161, 331-341
The “soil microbial loop” is not needed to explain the positive effect of protozoan stimulation on plants. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038071709003083 |2009
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Ekelund,F., Saj, S., Vestegaard, M., Mikola, J. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 2336-2342
Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on soil nematofauna when growing Sorghum bicolor in Burkina Faso. 2010
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Villenave, C., Saj, S., Pablo, A.L., Sall, S., Djigal, D., Chotte, J.L. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46, 659-670
Additive and interactive effects of functionally dissimilar soil organisms on grassland plant community. 2010
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Ladygina,N., Henry,F., Kant,M.R., Koller,R., Reidinger,S., Rodriguez,A., Saj,S., Sonnemann,I., Witt,C., Wurst, S. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 2266-2275
Grassland management history affects the response of nematode community to changes in aboveground grazing regime. 2011
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Villenave, C., Saj, S., Blanc, C., Attard, E., Klumpp, K., Soussana, J.F., Le Roux, X. Nematology 13, 995-1008
Mulch type affects soil biological functioning and crop yield of conservation agriculture systems in a long-term experiment in Madagascar. 2012
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Djigal, D., Saj, S., Rabary, B., Blanchart, E., Villenave, C. Soil and Tillage Research, 118, 11-21
Impacts of trace amounts of labile C on plant N limitation vary from hour to week timescales. 2012
Auteur(s) : Stephane Saj
Mikola, J., Saj, S. Biology and Fertility of Soils (in press)
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