


En résumé

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  • Ipsen - Biometry Innovation Director

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2018 - maintenant Developpement des partenariats avec des Hopitaux / Chercheurs / Université / Startup dans le cadre de la Biometrie R&D - Coordination de la GDPR
  • Ipsen - Director R&D Digital Biometry

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2018 - 2018 Transition manager as the Digital Biometry Director to deliver a virtual Clinical Trial initiative and manage a team of 10 bioinformaticiens / biostatisticians / statisticians...
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions - Engagement Manager

    Paris 2016 - 2017 Engagement Manager for the second biggest client of Cognizant LS France (bioMerieux).
    Client partner lead, and Coordination of multiple major projects (SAP, CRM, LIMS, Digital, Manufacturing, HR and R&D...).
  • MSD France - Program Manager - Global CRM Deployment

    Courbevoie 2015 - 2016 West Point PA USA / Courbevoie France

    Expatriated Program manager / consultant for MERCK US in the development and deployment of a global CRM solution, using France as the initial market to build the rest of Europe model.
    Side projects included Change Management, BI definition, Training setup...
  • Biogen Idec - AD Global Commercial Services

    Nanterre Cedex 2014 - 2015 Cambridge USA
    Role de BIM (Business Information Manager) pour le département IT. Etablissement d'une stratégie digitale pour le département Global Commercial Services en regroupant les initiatives individuelles et développant, en collaboration avec IT, une roadmap de mise en place des architectures permettant de supporter le développement rapide de l'entreprise à l'international.
    Mise en place de solutions de Document / Knowledge management, collaboration (sharepoint), CRM/CLM/BI, développement du Digital (media sociaux, cartographie internet) etc...
  • Sanofi - AD Marketing Digital

    Paris 2011 - 2014 Cambridge USA
    Manage the local activities of Corporate Speciality Care Division to support Global Biosurgery and Renal teams in their Multi-channel marketing strategy. Long term digital strategy involving Digital communication supporting the five brands of BioSurgery and two brands of Renal, and progressive integration of the Genzyme team into the Sanofi Corporate structure. Deployment of initiatives such as serious games, Ipad apps, websites, social media and blogs, training for physicians, patients and reps (E-Learning), and leadership in the Corporate Media Library initiative, with an objective to reduce marketing agency costs by up to 15%. Global KOL CRM solution deployment.
    Implications in SFE and other sales forces initiatives to integrate BioSurgery in the CEGEDIM DENDRITE solution, for both CRM and E-Detailing.
  • COSMESOAP - Director Business Dev.

    2008 - 2011 Moorestown, NJ
    Independent development on the US and global market of a line of organic bath products from a small manufacturing company in France. Creation of channels through Wholefood Markets and other major retailers. Events booths. The brand was very well received and the company eventually bought over by a major pharmaceutical group.
  • Galderma - E-technology manager / CRM lead

    Courbevoie 2000 - 2008 La Defense, France
    Right hand to the CIO in staffing / implementing a full IT department to support the rapid development of this NESTLE / L'OREAL join venture. Regional IT manager for Asia and LACAR. Lead in worldwide CRM strategy and global sales forces effectiveness initiative - implementation of global intranet solution (sharepoint portal) and web 2.0
    Team of 3 project managers / 3 developpers / 14 local IT managers
  • Bristol Myers squibb - Associate director IM Europe

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 1995 - 2000 La Defense, France
    Right hand to the European VP IT in the management of European markets, and the deployment of a full CRM strategy for the region.
  • ESSEC Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) - Marketing / IT Teacher

    1989 - 1990 Marketing and IT Teacher to 3rd years students

    IT support technician to local Embassies and Organizations


  • Temple University BBA (Philadelphia, Pa)

    Philadelphia, Pa 1988 - 1989 Bachelor
  • IFAM (Institut Franco Américain De Management) IFAM (Paris)

    Paris 1986 - 1988 Bachelor


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