Don't hesitate to contact me ans to visit my webpage!
Convinced that everybody has inside of him resources to grow and fully develop, but that it can be tough to discover them alone, I got trained at diverse personal development technics:
- Dynamic Sophrology, relaxing, stress and emotions management method, based on physical, emotional and intuitive experience (Dynamic Sophrologist certified by the Association Européenne de Sophrologie).
- NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) personal development method and brief therapy (Maître -Praticienne certified by Institut Ressources - NLPNL certified);
- specialization in NLP learning strategies, school coaching method, certified by InterActif - NLPNL certified
- EFT (Emotion Freedom Techniques) - simple tool to treat emotional troubles by taping on acupressure points (Training by Therapeutia)
Interested in improving your team efficiency? Developing creative sessions in various project phases using NLP tools? or to develop well-being and / or personal development programs in your organization? Want to organize Sophrology sessions during lunch time for instance (French or English).
Going through a tough career / personal life change? Having kids / teens wanting to improve their learning skills?
I propose individual sessions of individual sessions of Sophrology, EFT, life coaching and school coaching.
(French and English)
Perfectly fluent in French, German and English - Basic skills in Dutch (A3.1 level)
12-year-experience in at P&G as manager in Product Research (consumers quali and quanti understanding, product development, project & team management)
Trained on Myers Briggs Type Indicator - "16 types of personality"
Strengthsfinders - strengths and potentials finder method)
7 habits of highly effective people - training based on Stephen Covey's book
Positive Power and Influence (efficient communication method).
Trainer for adults at CF2Mille.
Mes compétences :
Études qualitatives
Coaching professionnel
Animation de formations
Coaching d'équipe
Coaching individuel
Gestion des émotions
Gestion des conflits
Strategie d apprentissage
Programmation neuro-linguistique
Gestion de projet
Stratégie de motivations
Apprentissage rapide
Gestion du stress
Traitement des phobies
Formation professionnelle continue
Études quantitatives
Études statistiques
Développement personnel
sophrologie dynamique