Ivry-sur-Seine2007 - maintenantEMAL Smelter Complex Project, EMAL, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6B$ USD, Joint Venture between SNC-Lavalin and Worley Parsons (SLWP) awarded by Emirates Aluminium (EMAL) as an EPCM contract for Phase 1 of a new world class Greenfield Aluminium Smelter and Power Generation Plant Complex. The project Phase 1 will have an ultimate production capacity in excess of 700,000 t/p/y of primary aluminium and will include a 1,950 MW at (30°c) gas filled power plant :
-Provided support to internal clients on all aspects of Human Resources such as recruitment, hiring, employee relations and project logistics
-Streamlined recruitment and hiring processes to ensure new employees were hired in a timely manner
-Provided support and information to new employees during the visa process