LEVALLOIS PERRET2013 - 2017Technical Consultant
Currently at Ansaldo STS to realize the setting of PAI (Poste d'aiguillage informatique)signaling equipement of classic line
Priviously realize the setting of SEI (système d'enclenchement intégré) signaling equipement of high speed line SEA (Sud Europe Atlantique).
- Engineering support for test and integration of CBTC for the 4th metro line of Budapest
Saint-Denis2013 - 2013Optimization of tools and process, capitalization of know how.
Test and integration of CBTC
Identification of tools and process used by the different entity of CBTC in the test phase of project.
Faiveley Transport
- Stagiaire
Saint Denis2012 - 2012• Standardisation of the pantograph range (The equipement that collect current from catenary).
• Technical description of the new standard