


En résumé

14 ans d'expérience hospitalière dont 8 ans en cancérologie : Immuno-Oncologie et Hématologie. Un parcours en 3 temps : terrain, opérationnel siège et management de Direction, centré sur :
- la création de postes,
- les lancements de produits,
- la relation avec les leaders d'opinion,
- l'expérience client,
- le management de partenariats et projets scientifiques complexes notamment à l'International,
- la création de services sur le parcours de soins afin d'accompagner les professionnels de santé et les patients

Mes compétences :
Analyse stratégique
Lancement de produits
Management opérationnel
Contact client
Conception Innovante
Fidélisation client
Relations clients
Financement de projet
Direction de projet
Étude de faisabilité de projets
Coordination de projets
Clients : leaders d'opinion, sociétés savantes
Gestion de projets internationaux
successful hospital experience
develop the new job RRE: Responsable Relation Exte
develop robust relationships
CEGOS management


  • iQone Healthcare Group - MSL Director France

    2017 - maintenant Medical & Scientific Management Team on national level
    Biosimilar drugs in Immunology, Oncology and Hematology (CT-P13/Remsima, CT-P10/Truxima, CT-P6/Herzuma)
    Biotherapy drugs developped, manufactured by Celltrion, marketed by Biogaran in France

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - External Relations Director Immuno-Oncology & Hematology

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2013 - 2016 Leading an operational team of 9 RRE (Responsable Relations Externes = Scientific Projects Managers) for the French affiliate
    *4 products: Yervoy ®, Opdivo ®, Sprycel ®,
    * 6 cancers: Melanoma, Lung cancer squamous & non-squamous, Kidney, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), Multiple Myeloma
    * 5 launches
    * Create and develop the new job RRE, best practices, monthly reporting activity & key performance indicators
    * Elaborate & implement Strategic Plans with cross-functional teams, budget & projections
    * Define high level of scientific partnerships, innovative/added-value services, I-O & Hemato cross-indications programs: HCPs, TL, Cooperative Groups & PAGs - Develop and improve the customer experience
    * Close collaboration with Medical, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Manager Hematology Partnership

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2009 - 2013 Be the contact of Key Customers in CML, develop robust relationships with TLs, FILMC (CG) & LMC France (PAG). Analyze the environment, develop & coordinate differentiated actions and services vs competitors to answer to customer needs and according to BMS strategy, regional plans, internal/external policies.
    Principal missions:
    * Initiate TLs international scientific collaborations in coordination with BMS affiliates (Europe, USA, Japan)
    * Advisory Boards to create patient environment tools labeled FILMC (4 brochures & 1CD rom)
    Results: *20 national/Int'l projects involving all CML TLs & most of them have become sustainable * BMS Leadership confirmed in CML, best market share in Europe for Sprycel
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Immunoscience & Pain Hospital Sales Rep

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2006 - 2009 Reruited for the creation of a new Hospital network dedicated to the launch of the 1st biotherapy of BMS: Orencia indicated in the rheumatoid arthritis and promoted to Rhumatologists.
    Principal missions & results:
    * Orencia promotional launch and 3 x Top Performer
    * Products communication & promotion: Perfalgan to Anesthesists, Skenan, Actiskenan to Rhumatologists
    * Teamwork as a mindset: close collaboration with medical, market access fields
    * Hospital expertise
    * Excellence Customer relationshi
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Déléguée Hospitalière - Rhumatologie - Douleur

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2006 - 2009 Lancement 1ère biothérapie BMS
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - UPSA Sales Rep

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2003 - 2006 1st successful experience in commercial activity. Product communication & promotion for UPSA Game products: Dafalgan, Efferalgan, Skenan, Actiskénan, Mucomyst & launch of Dafalgan 1g. 100 Sales Reps in the UPSA network

    Principal missions & results:
    * Dafalgan 1g launch: 2 x Top Performer
    * 2004: 1st Sales Rep for all products
    * 2005: 3rd Sales Rep for all products
    * Animation / Training UPSA products to new Sales Reps
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Déléguée Médicale - UPSA

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2003 - 2006
  • UPSA Group & BMS France - Assistant to VP Finance & Administration

    1996 - 2002 Generate operational effectiveness in the context of reconciliation of the 2 legal entities
    Principal missions & results:
    * administratiive work reorganization & reduction number of Admin from 6 to 3 (department of 50 people)
    * management of 2 Admin
    * quarterly summary of BMS company results prepared to ComEx
  • Weight Watchers - Assistant to the VP Finance & Administration

    Guyancourt 1990 - 1996 WEIGHT WATCHERS is an International company who propose food programs to weight loss
    Principal missions & Results:
    * Organization & planification
    * Parc auto management ;
    * Relocation & reconciliation of the head office & distribution center



  • Faculté De Médecine Paris V René Descartes

    Paris 2014 - 2015 DU Immunological Therapeutics
  • GEMS

    Boulogne Billancourt 2003 - 2003 Medical Visitor Degree (Sales Rep)

    GEMS: High Education Health profession
    Sept. 1988 to June 1989 : 1st year of Pharmacy, Châtenay Malabry Faculty
  • Faculté De Pharmacie - Université Paris-Sud XI (Chatenay Malabry)

    Chatenay Malabry 1987 - 1989 2 premières années de pharmacie
  • Lycée Marie Curie

    Versailles 1987 - 1988 BACCALAUREAT SCIENTIFIQUE


Annuaire des membres :