LGM Gmbh est la filiale Allemande de LGM Group. Ses activités sont centrées sur le soutient logistique du future système de contrôle et de commandement aérien de l'OTAN. LGM GmbH est en charge de la documentation électronique et des formations des utilisateurs du système.
Ma mission conciste à:
* Développer la BU SLI
* Piloter le lot "Training" lié au projet ACCS LOC1
LGM GmbH is the German Filial of LGM Group. Located in Aachen, LGM GmbH is mainly dedicated to future NATO Air Command and Control system. LGM GmbH is in charge of the electronic documentation (IETM) and of the training of the system users: Maintenance, System Management, Operational.
Axone-LGM has developed a powerful S1000D viewer in which can be displayed either the user?s manual or the training material.
Axone team is composed of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) engineers, technical redactors (XML, SVG, etc.) and former Air Forces officers.
My mission:
* Lead and Developp the ILS Business Unit
* Lead the "Training" package of the ACCS LOC1 project
Mes compétences :
Project management
Team Management
Leadership and Organization