
Thierry MICHEL

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Après une expérience de 10 ans en management d'un centre de profit spécialisé en réalisation de projets clés en main chez les clients majeurs industriels et tertiaires de la région Rhône Alpes Auvergne , je suis en charge depuis environ 2 ans des Opérations et Fonctions Support de l entité de projets de Schneider Electric France.
Manager National d une équipe pluridisciplinaire d environ 100 collaborateurs intervenant au service de nos clients et de 600 collaborateurs internes.

Mes compétences :
time management
profit center Management
energy management
technical design management
contract management
change management
Supply Chain
Project administration management
Project Management
Develop the key competence
Continuous Improvement


  • Schneider Electric - Directeur France Operations & Fonctions Support

    Rueil Malmaison 2015 - maintenant : ``Directeur France, Opérations et Fonctions Supports''
    Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation.
    For the French market, I'm in charge of the opérations & shared functions ( up to 100 people) of the system activity (turkey projects):

    For all BU's:
    * Electrical Distribution MV /LV
    * Process Automation
    * IT Distribution (data centers)
    * Building Management Systems
    * Energy Efficacity & Sustainability

    *Hygiene, Security & Environment
    * Quality ,Continuous Improvement
    * Process, Methods, Tools
    * Supply Chain ; logistic, procurement
    * Project administration & contract management ;
    * Engineering Center
    * Erection & Commissioning Center
  • Schneider Electric - Directeur Regional Rhone Alpes Auvergne- Centre de profit

    Rueil Malmaison 2011 - 2015 : ``Directeur Régional Rhône Alpes Auvergne Centre d' Application Distribution Electrique'' (
    . Successfully monitor / influence the P&L of one of the biggest regional application centers MV/LV in France, specialized in solutions for electrical network MV/LV for key customers in all segments.(Energy, IT, Industry,etc)
    .Manage for the National Market, the execution of Photovoltaic Projects
    . Lead a team of 30+ people. The team includes project managers, experts, technical leaders for the sales and the execution of the projects.
    .Develop the key competence of the team: claim, contract, time management, etc
    .Co- lead the regional sales projects committees with all B.U managers in order to define the strategy / influence of significant projects.
  • Areva - Responsable d 'agence Rhone Alpes Auvergne Bourgogne

    Paris La Defense 2008 - 2011 : AREVA T&D - Turnkey Projects Division
    Area Manager Rhône Alpes Auvergne Bourgogne
    .Order / Sales: Increased x3 in 3 years.
    .Constitute a team of project managers / Technical Leaders
    .Operational Role: Head of the sales and management of the most significant / risked projects. Strong growing in Nuclear Segment

    Leading a Proximity Business Center / Manage Emblematic Projects
  • Areva -  Project Manager Tender & Execution

    Paris La Defense 2005 - 2008 : AREVA T&D - Turnkey Projects Division
    Project Manager (Annual Sales : 1 to 3 M EUR )
    .Order / Sales: Developed a pipeline of projects
    .Managed HV (220KV / 63 KV) and MV projects (Offer + Execution)

    Manage HV / MV Turnkey Projects
  • ALSTOM - Tender Manager

    GREASQUE 2002 - 2005 : ALSTOM / AREVA T&D - LV Switchboard Activity
    Tender Manager
    In charge of the technical definition and tendering of TGBT / MCC
    .Technical Support from sales
  • aee - Technical Leader -Tender & Execution Manager

    1998 - 2002 : Ateliers d'Equipements Electriques (< 15 peoples)
    Recruited on permanent employed contract at the end of a student training,
    Designer and built specific industrial machines (PLC and electrical design).
    project management, sourcing, fat tests, commissioning site.

    Previous experiences in other companies



  • IUT Le Creusot

    Le Creusot 1996 - 1998 D.U.T Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle


Annuaire des membres :