


En résumé

Depuis Mai 2011, je suis employé au sein de PROSERNAT en tant qu'ingénieur commercial et expatrié dans le cadre d'un VIE au sein de la filiale KPN Gas Technology en Malaisie, résultat d'une Joint-Venture entre L'entreprise Française PROSERNAT et le groupe Malaisien KNM.
PROSERNAT est une société d'ingénierie de process spécialiste du traitement de gaz et d'huile sur champs. Fournisseur d'études et/ou d'équipements, nos unités sont destinées aux sociétés pétrolières ainsi qu'aux grandes ingénieries de l'oil & gas.
KNM est une société internationale pour la fourniture d'équipements industriels.

Profil LinkedIn:
http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=91678766&authType=name&authToken=6CnZ&goback=.nmp_ *1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1.npe_*1_en*4US_*1_*1

Mes compétences :
Volontariat international en entreprise
Gestion de projet
Business development
Développement commercial


  • KPN Gas Technology, PROSERNAT (Groupe IFP) - Sales & Marketing Engineer (Malaisie),

    2011 - maintenant KPN Gas Technology is a result of synergistic 50-50 joint venture between KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd (KNMPS) and Prosernat SA of France. Prosernat, an IFP Group Company, has 30 years expertise and over 350 industrial references. Prosernat offers a full range of process technologies for phase separation, natural gas dehydration and sweetening, NGL extraction and sulphur recovery and downstream application.

    Backed by Prosernat’s technical expertise and technology portfolio, along with KNM’s process equipment manufacturing capabilities, KPN is poised to provide total solutions for gas treatment in terms of process technologies, process equipment & modules, engineering and project management.

    KPN shall be tapping into the vast natural gas market potential in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. It aims to rapidly establish itself as one of the top four player in Southeast Asia.
  • Kyu Associés - Consultant

    Paris 2010 - 2010 6 months

    Véolia Environnement - Formalization of management rules and training supports of a purchasing management tool

    PSA - Project Management Office mission for the launch of a new service all over Europe, Asia and Africa for the next Brand Vehicles from 2012.
  • Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal - Research Intern

    2009 - 2010 5 months

    Expertise Project : Development of an ecodesign tool, calculating environmental impacts of products. Work realized on the computer keyboards.
  • Kyu Associés - Trainee consultant

    Paris 2008 - 2008 6 months

    Faurecia - Assistance on the realization of Costing tool and Make or Buy Tool.
    Faceo FM - Implementation of a business development project for a leading Facility Management Firm.
  • Arts et Métiers Paristech - Project Manager

    Paris 2007 - 2008 4 months

    ARCELOR-MITTAL - Project manager in a school project related to the improving of a punching process in a Steel Plant
  • COMEX Nucléaire - Intern

    2006 - 2006 1 month

    Assistance on the realisation of commercial propositions for projects of intervention in hostile environment, Development of new specific material for intervention in nuclear plant


  • ESCP Europe

    Paris 2010 - 2011 "Doing Business in South America" seminar followed in:
    Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
    Undiversidad de San Andrès - Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Arts Et Métiers (Paris)

    Paris 2006 - 2010 Ingenieur Generaliste

    Management de l'Innovation Technologique à l'International - Research project in Eco-Design followed in:
    Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal - Montreal - Canada


Annuaire des membres :