Mes compétences :
Ingénierie système
Labinal Power Systems
- R&T Engineer
2013 - maintenantSafran internal R&T studies
- Smart sensors (wireles autonomous sensors) for aircraft (RFID and SAW technologies)
- RF data transmission in the aeronautical environment (Zigbee & Wifi Low Power)
Safran Engineering Services
- TCAS system engineer
Paris2011 - maintenantFunctional architecture and design of the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) system for the following projects:
- SESAR 9.05 ASPA S&M (ASAS SPAcing, Sequencing & Merging)
- SESAR 9.06 ASEP (ASAS SEParation)
- SESAR 9.14 SURF IA (Surface Indicating and Alerting)
- ATSA SURF : Traffic display over an airport map on cockpit displays
Technical contribution on the following SESAR projects:
- 9.21 ADS-B 1090MHz Higher Performance Study -> ADS-B communication improvements thanks to physical and software improvement.
- 9.22Mid & Full ADS-B Capability - Research -> Future ATM needs collection forr transmission over ADS-B media.
Safran Engineering Services
- ATM engineer
Paris2010 - 2011In the frame of SESAR project (Single European Sky ATM Research) work on the concept of operation within workpackage B.
- WP B4.2, WP B4.3 (Target Concept and Architecture Maintenance),
Participation to projects within :
- WP 4 (En-route Operations)
- WP5 (Terminal Operations)
- WP 6 (Airport Operations)
Paris2010 - 2010Modelling of a new surveillance function (ASAS)
Design and development of a software application for demonstration of a new cockpit function (ATSAW)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure De Mécanique Et D'Aérotechnique (Poitiers)