


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Amélioration Continue
Contrôle de gestion
Génie industriel
Management de projet
Six Sigma


  • Vallourec - Project Manager

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2010 - maintenant • Capital Expenditure Project Management - € 2,6 M
    - Project studies: Investigate different technical solutions tied to lean diagnostics, lead benchmarks and feasibility studies, study impact on line capacity (product flow, cycle time and bottlenecking analysis, WIP diminution), prepare CAPEX investment file (layouts, specifications, budgets, schedules, risk analysis …),
    - Line Installation and Commissioning: Qualify, Install and Commission an hexagonal bundling line.

    • Process Analysis and Improvement
    - Process Standardisation: Benchmark premium threading facilities, study innovative solution and identify best deburring process. Work closely with suppliers to engineer and build deburring machines to be installed and commissioned worldwide.

    • Large CAPEX Engineering Study - Welding Technology Centre and Corporate Offices - € 26 M
    - Analyse process and product flow, find improvement opportunities and define the future plant workflow, manage CAD technicians for workshop and corporate offices layouts, draft specifications for buildings and equipments, define budget and schedule, select suppliers.

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2009 - 2010 • Gestion de Projets Industriels, $ 1 M
    - Conceptualisation et implémentation de systèmes robotisés
    - Direction de travaux de construction tout corps d’état
    - Maintenance et aménagement des voieries et réseaux
    • Analyse de Procédés et Etudes d’Automatisation
    -Etudes et développement de solutions innovantes pour automatisation d’une ligne de filetage API.
    -Support et participation aux projets d’amélioration continue
    • Gestion de Projet R&D
    - Etude de faisabilité et développement d’une solution de traçabilité permanente
    - Inspection des filetages par profilage laser
    • Préparation des Projets d’Investissement
    - Définition, Budgétisation, Etude de profitabilité et sélection des fournisseurs de l’ensemble des projets 2011, $ 9.5 M
    - Participation à la définition du plan d’investissement moyen terme: Budgétisation, étude de profitabilité et analyse de l‘impact sur la matrice des coûts, $ 20 M


    • Industrial Projects Management, $ 1 M
    - Conceptualization and implementation of automated robotic systems
    - Turnkey building construction management
    - Yard drainage maintenance
    • Process Analysis and Improvement
    - Engineering and supplier selection for automation of an API Threading line
    - Participation in Continuous Improvement Teams
    • R&D Projects Management
    - Metal Data Matrix, permanent tube marking solution
    - Automated API thread quality inspection
    • Investment Projects
    - Budgetary, Profitability analysis, and Supplier selection for 2011 Projects, $ 9.5 M
    - 3 years Capital Expenditures Plan, Budgetary and Profitability analysis, $ 20 M


    To whom it may concern,

    Thomas Marquie has worked as a Project Engineer for V&M Star over the last 18 months. His responsibilities included conception, project profitability, overseeing installation, budget management, and commissioning. He managed many projects, both large and small, during the duration of his service which improved the productivity, safety and quality of the process at V&M Star.

    Mr Marquie demonstrated great professionalism in all his work. His creativity to find innovative solutions do complex problems is a trait hard to find in young engineers. He is also very resourceful, finding good suppliers, coordinating multiple contractors, and communication with production. He demonstrated strong dedication during his tenure, staying after hours, working whenever to make sure the job was done properly and safely.

    I will recommend Mr. Marquie, without hesitation, for any assignment because I know he will excel at any task given to him. His communication and interface with corporate was flawless which secured more projects and gave our facility a strong repetition for project management.

    Best Regards,

    Tim Ries
    Plant Manager
    V&M Star, LLP
    8603 Sheldon Rd
    Houston, Texas, 77049
  • CASTELMECA - Ingénieur Qualité

    2008 - 2009 Implémentation d’un système de management de la qualité (ISO 9001/EN 9100)
    - Définition de la politique Industrielle
    - Rédaction du manuel qualité
    - Mise en place des procès de suivi de commande, fabrication, contrôle
    - Gestion des stocks de matière première et de produits finis
    - Gestion des achats


    Implementation of an Integrated Management System (ISO 9001/EN 9100)
    - Industrial Policy definition
    - Quality Manual Drafting
    - Process implementation: Order tracking, machining, quality inspection
    - Raw material and prime products management process
    - Purchasing management process
  • VINCI - Ingénieur Travaux

    Rueil-Malmaison Cedex 2007 - 2007 • Gestion contractuelle, financière, technique et opérationnelle de la sous-traitance des corps d’États Techniques. Budget : 1 400 k€,
    • Organisation, coordination et suivi des travaux de sous-traitance,
    • Rédaction de consultation, négociation de contrats et de devis,
    • Mise en place des démarches de sûreté de fonctionnement et de soutien logistique


    Contractual, financial, technical and operational subcontractors’ management.
    Budget: 1.4 M€,
    • Organisation, coordination and operational management of subcontractor’s work
    • Supplier selection, contract drafting and necociation
    • Implementation of functioning safety and integrated logistical support.


    “Thomas Marquié worked with VINCI company on a large railways project in LYON (France) in 2007-2008.
    We appreciated his professionalism and his providing incentive during the time he taked part to the management of this construction.”

    September 21, 2010
    Denis Pujade, Project Director



Annuaire des membres :