


En résumé

Voir mon Curiculum Vitea SVP

Mes compétences :
Stratégie d'entreprise
Gestion de projet


  • Best Technologies & Industries SAL - CEO and President

    2013 - maintenant -Renewable Energy: Wind Energy, Greenhouse Effect Hybrid Energy, Turbine and Generator for Hydroelectricity, Electric Power for Desalination, Solar System. -Turning Waste into a Resource: Its patented & proprietary technologies able to convert organic waste from food, yard & garden, wood, etc….into: Compost + Heat + Electricity & Liquid Bio-fuel (R&D)… With a positive return on investments for the environment, communities. -The Newest Technologies Construction Systems is made up with strong & durable interlocking panels, creating architectural structures of the highest performance & robustness even in hurricane zones or areas earthquake activity. -We are offering the best Electrical services, in line with the requirements of the energy and electricity sectors and though our high quality work, in the field of sales.
    -Our Water & Air Disinfection & Decontamination Department is using the Best Technologies to designs and manufactures a modern, permanent, effective and safe solution for the environment. A team of more than 70 researchers have developed specific products dedicated to disinfection and treatments adapted to the food industry, the swimming pool water treatment and drinkable water. Our lines respond to a wide range of applications, decontamination, disinfection and sterilization for industry, military and civil sectors. Low capital cost and economic exploitation. With minimal contact time, and product quantity we have a highly effective efficiency against many pathogenic organisms.
    - Security communication and Networking + Private GSM Mobile for Companies and Institutions etc…
  • MagLev Technologies Industries SAL ( Off Shore ) - President / CEO

    2012 - maintenant Toutes sortes de produits a Energies Renouvelables utilisant la Technologie de MagLev

    We are the supplier for the future superior technologies in this world:
    Renewable Energy the MagLev Technology Superconductive Wind Energy, Transport, Water and Mining Magnetic Technologies Projects as Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, Greenhouse effect Hybrid Energy,Trans-rapid-Trains, MagLev Space Launcher, Magnet-Lift Elevators and our new Agricultural Magnemotion's Quick Stick technology and much more confidential products.....
  • Plusieurs societes sont sous ma Gestion..... - Directeur General

    1982 - maintenant Faire toujours de mon mieux pour aider la societe que je gere a evoluer pour le meilleur...


  • Universite St Joseph / Beyrouth -LIBAN (Beyrouth)

    Beyrouth 1975 - 1982 Doctorat en Hautes Etudes Commerciales

    HEC - Dans les affaires et la gestion depuis plus de 30 annees....


Annuaire des membres :