I've been working for more than 15 years now in the market research field. I used to manage a team composed of internal/external translators and analysts;
I have decided to start working as a freelancer in 2003, still close to the market research field as it allows me experiencing continuously new subjects and new topics all the time. During these last years, I have specialized myself in medical translation by working with or on behalf of medical market research companies.
Beside, I've also headed my way to communication and am now managing this field for a fashion designer and a fashion school.
Networking and communication led me becoming a political analyst for an international news channel and write articles for a few press agencies.
With a partner agency, we create and organize economic promotion events favouring South-South B2B and 3P (Public-Private Partnership) development projects, still with high consideration for North-South Technology Transfer.
Most of my activities are performed in French and/in English.
Mes compétences :
Analyse de données
Analyse stratégique
Retranscription audio
Retranscriptions de réunions
Aisance relationelle
Gestion d'équipe
Promotion Économique