I am a mediator.
Let me explain to you the benefits of mediation services: save costs, save time.
Mediation helps people and companies to solve themselves their own conflicts.
Why do companies use mediator services ?
Because they want to pacify relations between employees and maintain good business relationships with their customers and suppliers. Good relationships are key to well-being of the compagnies and necessary to optimize the productivity and business flow with partners.
Conflict slow down the operational of the organizations and do increase costs and costs waste time. I'm sure you agree with that.
But, what to do if managers can not resolve a conflict , especially as they did not understand the origin of the problem.
Mediation allows the parties in conflict to quickly find a consensual and sustainable solution.
The médiator is an operational actor supporting project teams, HR and legal department's...all those who need relational qualities to succeed.
Impartial, I secure the rules of communication between parties in conflict.
I thank you for your interest in mediation
Best regards
Valérie Freund
Mes compétences :
Contrôle de gestion
Qualité relationelle
Gestion des ressources humaines
Aisance relationelle
Aide à la décision