
Vincent COLSON

  • Total SA
  • Senior Business Development Manager


En résumé

Having led the German Gas, Renewables & Power Affiliate of Total, I am now thriving in the Energy Transition domain, valorizing my experience in the virtuous management of environmental, human and financial resources.

My current remit pertains to the Low Carbon transition (> 20 MtCO2/y, i.e. 50% of the Groups emissions) and structural projects (> 1 M US$ for a total Capex LTP > 5 B US$) of the European Refining & Base Chemical Business Unit (RBE). Over the years, I have orientated my career towards business development and international management, within a successful and enriching career in 3 worldwide Majors (ExxonMobil, Total and Qatargas).

Thus my experience as General Manager & Secretary, as well as my roles as Asset Manager and Project Leader, enabled me to enhance the skills and expertise mandatory for scaling up in an efficient and profitable way profit centers in the highly challenging energy business (+60% in 2 years in Germany, +400% in 3 years in Qatar and +250% in 2 years in India).

Both my international exposure (Europe, Asia, and the Middle East) and my multiple responsibilities, which, among others, encompassed the set-up of an allocation of circa 100 billion US$ per year and the leadership of international and multidisciplinary teams, have provided me with in-depth knowledge of the energy world, from a global perspective down to the operational details.

This experience places me in a position to tackle the big challenges of this extremely competitive world.


  • Total SA - Senior Business Development Manager

    Production | Courbevoie (92400) 2019 - maintenant As member of the Industrial Development Coordination in Refining & Base Chemicals Europe (RBE), I lead the Low Carbon transition for all European industrial sites, covering Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage, R&D…
    I also coordinate the RBE Project Reviews for all European projects above 1M US$ and an overall CAPEX budget of several billions US$ (LTP).
  • Total SA - General Manager - General Secretary

    Direction générale | Stuttgart 2016 - 2019 As General Manager, I was in charge of the management of the German Gas, Renewables & Power Affiliate of Total. I was leading around 100 employees on 2 main sites (Stuttgart & Berlin). I was the Chairman of the Direction Committee of the Entity.
    2018 Turnaround was 0,5 Billions € for 40,000 supplied sites of B2B customers (I&C and SME).

    As General Secretary of the German Gas, Renewables & Power Affiliate, I was in charge of the management of the Secretariat General Direction, which covers Finance, Human Resources and Legal & Governance, i.e. around 20 people. I was member of the Direction Committee of the Affiliate and also Secretary of the European Senior Management Team.

    The Secretariat General Direction ensures the growth of the portfolio in a secure and compliant legal framework adapted to the needs of the business by managing risks and optimizing transactions. It supports the development of the activities of the Affiliate to become one of the leading suppliers in the B2B segment in Germany.
    The Secretariat General Direction also coordinates all Corporate and Strategic exercises at the national level, such as Long-Term Plan, Budget, Business Review…
  • Total SA - Asset Manager

    Direction générale | Courbevoie (92400) 2014 - 2016 Recognized Subject-Matter Expert, I provided my support to the E&P JV Coordination and to the emblematic Cost Performance Project, 4C&Deliver, in order to optimize Total’s leverage on its numerous Operated-By-Other assets and to spread its Best Practices worldwide.

    As Shareholder’s Project Manager, I also conducted the successful deployment of the CORE project in Dolphin Energy Limited, which was recognized as benchmark for cost optimization in the Middle-East area and led to many requests from the other Total’s Joint Ventures for sharing its achievements.
  • Total - Head of Production Allocation at Qatargas, Qatar

    Production | Doha 2011 - 2014 As Head of this Section, I am accountable for the transparent, fair and equitable allocation of hydrocarbon molecules to the appropriate government body, producing company, profit center and fiscal stream in line with the governing agreements.

    My position encompasses the responsibility of:
    • The active oversight of the overall valuation chain, including timely remedial reconciliation actions, in order to ensure fair allocation to every stakeholder and to minimize exposure to volumetric and financial imbalance of up to US$ 1-20 million per key occurrence,
    • The management of the Production Allocation Project, as QG is still in an extensive overhaul phase of this function to achieve a Premier level. This includes enhancing Mass-Balance/Data Reconciliation and Allocation Models as well as developing and embedding controls and best practices.

    I also initiated a complete reorganization of the Production Allocation Section to better achieve the above objectives in a challenging resources-constrained environment and convinced Qatargas’ Management to consolidate all Allocations and Mass-Balance Expertise in my scope of responsibility from offshore up to products’ loadings.
    My perimeter of responsibility directly covers 7 LNG trains (42 mtpa) and the by-products of all Ras Laffan producers utilizing the common storage facilities operated by Qatargas such as Qatargas, RasGas, Shell GTL, Dolphin and the Laffan Refinery. This represents the allocation of circa 100 billion US$ per year.
  • Total - Assets Manager, France & India

    Direction générale | COURBEVOIE 2008 - 2011 As Shareholder representative in Committees, my core accountability was the protection of Total’s interests within JVs through the lead of a multidisciplinary team (HSE, Operations Technical Support, Finance, Legal, Strategy…), dedicated to the management of international LNG Terminals (Strategy & Long-Term Plan, Budget, Project, Business development & Business Model…).

    I was also in charge of the coordination of the Strategy (Long-Term Plan) and the Budget within my Division, i.e. all downstream Gas Infrastructures (LNG Terminals, Storages and Pipelines), Operations Technical Support and Research & Development (2,000 M€ of Capital Employed, more than 100 M€/year of Investments).

    Representative of the Shareholder in JVs.
  • Total - Refining and Oil Market Analyst, France

    Commercial | COURBEVOIE 2006 - 2007 I was responsible for the appraisal of the worldwide geo-strategic signals and preparation of short or long term supply strategies, especially for the impact on crude oil demand and finished products production.

    I also had a role of consultant in Trading and Exploration & Production development studies, such as:
    • Valuation of all worldwide crudes according to their intrinsic characteristics (API, sulphur & metals content, products yields, acidity...)
    • Development of Quality Banks, i.e. allocation of volumes of a blend to several counterparts, according to the quality of the feedstock they supply
    • Evolution of Feedstock market (e.g. Condensates...) ality Bank, Feedstock market evolution...).
  • Total - Crude Trader, Switzerland

    Commercial | Genève 2005 - 2006 The North Sea Desk is Total’s trading arm for the sale of all (physical) European Equities of the Group and for the (paper) hedging of all Brent-based open position (London IPE).

    Within the North Sea Desk, I was in charge of the optimisation of the supply of Total’s European Refineries in close collaboration with the Refining & Marketing Coordination and the paper-hedging Trading. I had mandate to negotiate until 1 million barrel cargos with foreign counterparties (purchases and sales), per deal. eign counterparties (purchases and sales).
  • ExxonMobil - Project Leader, France

    Production | Notre-Dame de Gravenchon 2004 - 2005 Within the scope of the “World Class” Project (a global reorganisation and optimisation project), I was the leader of a multi-disciplinary Core team (HSE, Operations, Maintenance, IT...) aiming at the rationalisation, standardisation and upgrade of the global Alarm Management System.

    I had to work in close collaboration with the 5 control rooms of the refinery (2 heritage-Mobil, 2 heritage-Esso and 1 common for Utilities) to implement the ExxonMobil worldwide best practices, on multiple Plant Information Systems/DCS, with heterogenic procedures...
  • ExxonMobil - Business and Earnings Analyst, Germany

    Contrôle de gestion | Ingolstadt 2003 - 2004 Under my initiative and after the resignation of my colleague “Earnings Analyst”, I proposed to re-organize the Business Analysis Department activities and responsibilities, by rationalizing tasks within it (such as monitoring of Oil Loss/Gain and its issues) and afterwards merging the 2 positions: “Business Analysis” and “Earnings Analysis”. So that, once this re-organization was applied, I was responsible for the follow-up of both operational and financial performances of the 2 German refineries (Ingolstadt and MIRO in Karlsruhe), through coordination of scorecards, stewardships and strategy plans.

    I took advantage of my expertise of Plant Operations and Software to implement new follow-up tools, such as an Operational Gross Margin assessment & forecast, a monthly Energy Intensity Index calculation spreadsheet(EDC & EII) and a comparison between the Rotterdam reference margin vs. Ingolstadt one (i.e. impact of yields vs. prices). performances of the German refineries,.
  • ExxonMobil - Head of Volume Accounting, Germany

    Contrôle de gestion | Ingolstadt 2002 - 2003 I was responsible for the team in charge of the daily and month end refining inventory mass balance, which consists, among others, of the calculation/reconciliation of all products’ production/consumption, the consistency of refinery volumes in the official database via POIS and SAP and the edition of the monthly summary report, which is the base for all further revenues calculations.

    I also coordinated the troubleshooting of the volume accounting activities (internal “Mass-creation” discrepancy, due to an overestimated auto-consumption and gauging issues...) and the implementation of procedures and check-lists (Month End Close...).

    This position was also accountable for all tax and customs related activities, such as imports requirements for crude receipts, coordination of year-end tax survey and de-taxation of off-spec products return.
  • ExxonMobil - Profitability and Risk Analyst, France

    Production | Notre-Dame de Gravenchon 2002 - 2002 Reporting to the Profitability & Risk Manager, I had to establish the economic supply signals of the 3 French ExxonMobil refineries (Port-Jérôme-Gravenchon, Fos-sur-Mer and Dunkirk) and to prepare the weekly production strategy meeting.

    I also used Linear Program models, in order to optimise feedstock purchases and blends of finished products by minimizing “give-away” and maximizing revenues.
  • ExxonMobil - Utilities Engineer, France

    Technique | Notre-Dame de Gravenchon 2000 - 2002 The main objective of this role was the follow-up and the optimisation of the utilities of the whole site (7 boilers, 1 gas turbine with boiler, 10 demineralisation chains, multiple cooling towers, offsite assets...), including troubleshooting and definition of action plans & preventive maintenance.

    I was an active member of the PMT Team (Production/Maintenance/ Technical) fully responsible of its dedicated assets.
  • Exxon Mobil - Budget / Analysis / Scheduling Engineer, France

    Production | Dunkerque (59140) 1999 - 2000 Belonging to the Operations Team, I was responsible for the Department budget (several millions FF of Budget, 500 kFF of Expenses Delegation), the conduct of all related projects (new nitrogen station, Basic Care on pumps, furnaces and boilers...) and the scheduling of periodic maintenance tasks (e.g. waxes’ chillers and filters).

    I also was the Substitute of the Operations-Maintenance interface Manager.
  • Exxon Mobil - Reliability-Improvement-System Project Leader, France

    Production | Dunkerque (59140) 1998 - 1999 European representative at the Mobil International Reliability network

    I was in charge of the implementation of the Reliability Improvement System (RIS) and coordinator between the different departments and the 3 European lubes refineries of the Mobil-BP European Joint Venture (Dunkirk, Gravenchon and Neuhof)...
  • French Air Force - Public Relations and Personnel Supervision Officer

    1996 - 1997 Assistant to the Air Force Base Commander.
    • Organisation of official visits and ceremonies,
    • Correspondent of the North-East Air Force Commandment.


  • IFP School / ENSPM Institut Français du Pétrole (Rueil Malmaison)

    Rueil Malmaison 1997 - 1998 Refining, Engineering & Gas

    Engineering Diploma in Refining, Engineering & Gas,
    Master of Science Degree in Applied Chemical Engineering (Oil & Gas)

    Activities and Societies: Total, Le Havre, FRANCE.
    Engineering Internship at the Technical Department
  • Ecole Centrale Centrale Paris / ECP

    Chatenay Malabry 1993 - 1996 Research, Design and Production Department

    Ecole d'Ingénieurs - Activities and Societies: Vallourec Group, La Charité-sur-Loire, FRANCE.
    Engineering Internship at the Operation Department.
    • Study of a production unit aimed at improving productivity and reliability.

    Karlsruhe Town-council, Karlsruhe, GERMANY.
    Aug. 94: Internship at the International Relations Service.
Annuaire des membres :