
Vincent DUPUIS

En résumé

Project Director experienced and enthusiastic specialized in IT project management


  • Sopra Steria Group - Manager

    2013 - maintenant Project Manager at Givaudan International SA

    Driving multiple SAP and BI projects related to Finance, Procurement and Supply Chain
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Project Director

    2011 - 2013 Homologation coordination and management for the reference platform of Nice program for Crédit Agricole (16 months)

    Organization and driving of batches and TP homologation in a 2 people team. Project management for building and homologation of the full reference environment (1500 men days in 5 months)
    Project management (organization, planning),
    Platform building follow-up,
    Driving of batches and TP homologation campaigns with Business Analysts, Functional Homologation Exploitation, Environment and Technical teams,
    Preparation of steering committee presentations.
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Project Director

    2011 - 2011 Feasibility study driving for a full retail banking distribution solution for “banks outside of metropolitan France” (BHFM) business line of Société Générale (4 months)

    Consultant dedicated to one of the studied solutions/companies within a 6 people team.
    Preparation and organization of 3 workshops :
    Business (process and functional),
    Technical (applicative et technologic),
    Implementation (integration, costs et timelines),
    Synthesis, production et presentation of final deliverable,
    Presentation of competitor’s practice analysis.
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Project Director

    2011 - 2011 Consulting mission for back offices management optimization of real estate loans portfolio with Evolan Loans Solution within Operations Department at La Banque Postale (4 months)

    Mission manager within a 3 people team.
    Interviews of the following business departments : Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Information Systems,
    Visit et study of 3 back-offices,
    Diagnosis on credit offering, process et information system axis,
    Prospective evolution analysis for :
    credit loans production and outstanding,
    back-office processed tasks and operations,
    Recommendations and optimization plan synthesis.
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Project Director

    2010 - 2010 Consulting mission for project costs and timelines optimizations within Information system Department at Banque PSA Finance (2 months)
  • Sopra Group - Project Director

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Credit Project Director for Retail Banking Information System department at BNP Paribas (6 months)

    5 people team management.
    Projects management (organization, planning, risks and budgets management),
    Project steering with the different contributors,
    Evolan Loans integration, migration and deployment,
    Deployment on 3 sites (Egypt, Reunion island and Senegal),
    Outsourcing initialization in Nearshore mode.
  • Sopra Group - Project Manager

    Paris 2005 - 2010 Front Project Director: Application and Acceptance (WebFinance), Product and Partner Management (2PM), Direct Sales Internet and Scoring around Evolan solution for Information Systems Direction at Société Générale Consumer Finance business line (5 years)

    16 people team management.
    Projects management (organization, hiring, workload estimations, planning, budget and steering committee management),
    Functional specifications conception and realization with business experts department,
    Central and abroad projects presentation in English (Russia, Germany, Czech Republic and Romania subsidiaries),
    Deployment on 13 countries.
    Outsourcing in Offshore mode.
    Technical environment:
    J2EE (Jsp, Servlets) on WDSC,
    WebSphere on Win 2003 Server,
    COBOL on AS400.
  • Sopra Group - Integration Engineer

    Paris 2004 - 2004 Evolan Pack Accounting solution integration (workstation) at Cetelem and in particular for Crédit Moderne des Antilles in Guadalupe, Crédit Moderne de Guyane and Crédit Moderne Océan Indien in Reunion island (20 days)

    Actions :
    User workstation installation,
    Technical environment:
    COBOL on AS400.
  • Sopra Group - R&D Engineer

    Paris 2004 - 2005 Evolan Pack SF HTML revamping solution (12 months)

    R&D within Offer department in a 5 people team.
    Revamping tool set-up and configuration,
    Graphical improvements,
    Performance optimization,
    Solution internationalization,
    Technical documentations redaction.
    Technical environment:
    J2EE (Jsp, Servlets) on WDSC,
    WebSphere on Win 2000 Server,
    COBOL on AS400.
  • Sopra Group - Design Engineer

    Paris 2003 - 2004 Evolan Pack SF internet-based and IBM-WebFinance-generated solution integration at FranFinance (5 months)

    Time and Materials contract on customer site in a 10 people team for an international project.
    Installation on 2 application servers,
    WebFacing set-up and solution generation,
    Solution deployment in Romania,
    Generated solution customization.
    Technical environment:
    J2EE (Jsp, Servlets) on WDSC,
    Tomcat and WebSphere on Win2000 Server,
    COBOL on AS400.
  • Sopra Group - Design Engineer

    Paris 2002 - 2003 Asset Management intranet site realization at Banque de Gestion Privée Indosuez (10 months).

    Fixed-price contract on customer site in a 5 people team.
    Customer management realization,
    Recommendations engine integration,
    Engine administration interface realization,
    Feeding batch realization and recommendations generation,
    Participation to SQL requests optimization,
    Solution deployment on application server,
    Go live support.
    Technical environment:
    J2EE (Jsp, Servlets) with Torque, Log4j on WSAD,
    Oracle with SQL, PL/SQL on DBA Studio and SQL Worksheet,
    WebSphere on UNIX.
  • Sopra Group - Design Engineer

    Paris 2002 - 2003 Evolan Pack Bank solution integration (workstation) at Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (2 months)

    Fixed-price contract on customer site in a 5 people team.
    Solution installation and set-up,
    User training,
    Specific integration.
    Technical environment:
    COBOL on AS400,
    Terminal Server on Win2000 Advanced Server.
  • Sopra Group - Design Engineer

    Paris 2002 - 2002 Evolan On Line e-banking solution integration at Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (7 months)

    Internal fixed-price contract in a 4 people team.
    Specific development on software package,
    Technical specification redaction,
    Credit facility specific development,
    Solution deployment on customer site.
    Technical environment:
    J2EE (Jsp, Servlets, Jdbc) on Visual Age,
    Oracle with SQL on SQL Worksheet,
    WebSphere on AIX,
    COBOL on AS400.
  • ESME Sudria Paris - Trainee

    PARIS 15 2001 - 2002 Publisher internet site realization dedicated to customers and prospects for online print jobs management (8 months).

    Project during 3rd year of engineer school cycle in a 3 people team.
    Publisher meeting,
    Printer discovery and business requirements redaction,
    Functional and technical specifications redactions,
    Realization, tests and qualification,
    Oral presentation.
    Technical environment:
    PHP with EasyPhp,
    MySQL with PhpMyAdmin,
    Apache on Linux.



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