


En résumé

Développeur Freelance.

Spécialité : Développement Web PHP
Expertise : Magento
Forte connaissance : Prestashop, Wordpress, Zend Framework, Oscommerce, etc...

Mon petit + :
Co-fondateur en 2007 deArray /Array, je connais le monde du e-commerce et ses problématiques, au niveau technique bien sur, mais également à tous les niveaux : Transports, logistiques, ERPs, web-marketing, affiliation, SEO/SEM, marketplaces, marques blanches, dropshipment, etc, etc...

Extensions magento :

Mes compétences :
Magento e commerce
Zend Frameworks
Web développeur
Computer science


  • Web Cooking - Freelance

    2012 - maintenant voir
  • None - Java Teacher

    2008 - 2008 Beside my internship in China, I gave some Java lessons in Beijing for chinese students.
  • LIAMA - IT intern engineer

    2008 - 2008 For my last year of studies, I performed an internship in LIAMA, a sino-french laboratory (INRIA-CASIA), in Beijing - China.
    I integrated a chinese research team working mainly on pattern recognition. I joined the "Mixing Video and Avatar" project.

    The objective was to make that several people (between 2 and 5), each one in front of their computer with a webcam, can work together around a 3D model. This model is constructed with webcam data. My work was for a month to integrate different in-progress modules (Gaze tracking, Face tracking, Gesture Recognition) into a network platform. Then, I worked on a semi automatic construction of a 3D face model using two 2D pictures of the face.
  • USTL - Moniteur

    2007 - 2008 Beside my master studies, I work as a monitor.
    I had the responsability of a campus building :
    security aspects in collaboration with the security team, students control, managing rooms and computers...
  • SAS i-Bière - Responsable Informatique

    Hazebrouck 2007 - 2011 - Développement PHP/Mysql sur de nombreux sites internet, principalement e-commerce. Expertise magento, prestashop, wordpress. Travaux sur de nombreux autres CMS.
    - Création de modules Magento&Prestashop
    - Administration système Linux - apache, mysql, php, nginx, bind, postfix, vsftpd, memcache, etc...
  • ENSAIT - Stagiaire

    ROUBAIX 2005 - 2005 I integrated a post of developer within the computer service. During these two months, i worked on a recognized
    portal used by numerous universities and schools in France. It is named ESUP. This portal is a Numeric Working
    Environment : Its aim is to collect in the same place the maximum of numeric services such as the mail service, the
    stocking space, timetables, etc. My work was to install and to develop some of these modules. So i programmed
    some : A student-card showing the family status, a page allowing to change password, as well as the integration
    of timetables and results.
    Besides, I also worked out on a WEB application to show and to export the phone listings of the school. Then,
    others projects added to it, in various domains.



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