2006 - maintenantIn charge of Sales planning for reporting, Market research to estiblish marketing strategy (new product launch, pricing, acquisition,...), competitive intelligence for Europe, improving new product development programm...
Staffordshire University Business School (Stoke On Trent)
Stoke On Trent2005 - 2005Master of Science European Management Strategy
Dissertation: "Running a football club as a business: an financial comparison of the English and French top league clubs"
Villeneuve D'Ascq2004 - 2007Master COMEX CMAI, Commerce et Management des Affaires Internationales (option franco-britannique)
6-month Internship as a Marketing Assistant at the European Headquarter of Emerson Climate Technologies (Copeland Europe)
University Of Arkansas At Fayetteville (Fayetteville)
Fayetteville2003 - 2004Economics
Equivalence Maîtrise (final year of undergarduate studies)
Université Du Maine (Le Mans)
Le Mans2000 - 2004DEUG et Licence d'Economie
I have finished my undergraduate studies of Economics at the University of Arkansas, in Fayetteville (Arkansas, USA). It was an Exchange Program for one year (2003-2004).